Chapter 12: Boxes

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Announcement at the end! Stay tuned!

    "What happened?"Walt asked the two agents. Jack and Elsa stood in front of him, nervous energy bouncing off them. Jack stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets. His blue eyes trained on Elsa's face, carefully watching her expressions.

    "Anna's kidnapped."Jack answered, syllable by syllable. He was still staring at Elsa, only to look back at Walt, who coughed to get his attention.

    "S-she was last seen in the computer room."Elsa continued for him, her voice unnoticeably cracking. But, if you were close to her as Jack was, you'd definitely hear it.

    Jack glanced at her knitted eyebrows, trembling lip, and red eyes. Feeling sympathetic, he proceeded to grab her cold, small hands and give it a comforting squeeze. She looked up at him gratefully and turned back to Walt.

    "There was a box and red paint on the wall."

    Walt glanced at their entwined hands and nodded before giving an exasperated sigh, "What was written on the wall?"

    "See for yourself."Elsa detached a small digital camera from her uniform belt and threw it at Walt, who caught it with ease.

    "Guess who I'm killin' next."Walt muttered. He stared at the photo of a wall—the wall.

    Jack cringed. It sounded okay in his brain but when said out was just unexplainable. Walt sighed and tossed the camera back to Elsa, who attached it back into her uniform belt.

    "What do you suggest we do?"Jack asks the DPA Leader

    Walt slumps in his seat and stares at the table for a few minutes before coming up with a decision."Go back to your common room and try to find out who's the next victim."

    Jack gave him a dutiful nod and with his hand on Elsa's back, walked out the door. They walked past Amblin (who was munching on a blue pastry). He gave them a wave and a cheeky smile. Jack gave a small salute and in the corner of his eye, he could see Amblin with a confused face.

    "What's up with Elsa?"He hears Amblin ask Walt. He quickly closed the door, not wanting Elsa to hear anything else. He understands how she feels, having a dead sister himself. Not that Anna's dead. He just knows how it feels like to lose someone who has been there for you ever since you were little. He knows what it's like to feel empty, feel like you're missing something, like a chunk of your heart has been ripped out of your body and shoved in front of your face.

    "I can't believe it."Elsa muttered as the elevator doors closed.

    Jack gave her a questioning look.

    "Anna's gone."She says, looking up at him with glossy eyes. A tear streamed down her cheek.

    "Anna isn't gone, Elsa."He grasps her shoulders, reassuring her.

    "You don't know that. They could've lied to us."Elsa looks down, trying to stop her crying.

    Jack frowns and hugs her tightly, muttering comforting words. "No. Anna is not dead. We'll find her."

    "You will?"Elsa asks, hopefully.

    Jack nods her, letting go, still holding her shoulders. "If you stop crying, I'll work to find her twice as hard. No matter how beautiful you look like crying, I don't like seeing you sad." Was what he was going to say, but he decided to settle with. "Yes, because Anna's my friend."

    Elsa nodded and Jack let go of her shoulders. She turned away from him, facing the elevator doors as it opened to the Common Room floors. They both stepped out in silence and kept walking until they reached room number 14.

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