Chapter 19: Kristoff and Rapunzel

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Document 1

Without Merida

Stage Of Grief:


Kristoff felt something that he has never felt before. Sitting on the common room couch, he stared blankly at the coffee table. He couldn't believe that one of his friends actually died. Of course, he didn't believe it, he was in denial. He refused to put on his black suit, until Anna forced him to.

"It's what Merida would have wanted,"Anna would whisper"for us to remember and honor her."A tear streaming down her freckled, porcelain face. A river had also taken its course on his cheeks. The two had cried together, until Anna excused herself to fix her appearance and get herself together.

Moments in the common room were usually silent, aside from the occasional whimper and sniff. Of course, they still worked their asses off with the case, but always stopped after getting to the topic of Merida. She was a really important aspect of their lives and mentioning her name was powerful enough to bring them to silence and tears. They momentarily stopped the case after two days.

Kristoff just sat in his room. He loitered around, doing things to distract himself from the terrible tragedy.

Elsa often spent time in the agency library, isolating herself from everyone, just like she did to Anna when they were kids. She would read and reread books to no end. The crying blonde often fell asleep on the tables, face flushed and book pages damp. The old librarian, understood her and let her sleep in, making sure to cover her up with an old quilt and replaced the book with a soft pillow. Elsa then wakes up back inside her room.

Jack, already fully recovered from his injury, spent his time in the DDCI gym, getting all his anger out. He received sympathetic looks from Amblin when he was reported of breaking two punch  bag chains and "unpleasant behavior". Jack hated it, the pity looks from everyone when he walked the halls of the DDCI agency. He glared at everyone who uttered the word "condolence".

Anna walked around the park all day and end it with a trip to Tiana's Place, where she would vent to Tiana about what she was feeling and stuff her face with Chocolate Mallow Pie. She would talk about everything but didn't mention Merida and Tiana understood that.

Eugene would spent time in the race tracks, going for rounds and burning fuel with Maximus, his car. He always left after glancing at Angus, Merida's shiny, black motorcycle that had a white stripe that he always thought was badass. A tear would run down his face and walk back into the common room. He would walk through, giving a short glance at the kitchen.

Rapunzel was always there baking and cooking all the recipes she knew, mostly the ones she learned from Merida and often times, she would just sit on the chair beside's Merida's and be silent; tears fall from her face, no wailing of whimpers, just tears and silence.

Where Hiccup went, the others didn't know. They let him go to god know where, they knew that they were closer than all the others were to her. They knew that his heart was more wounded than theirs. Though they knew for each other for about a year, the whole team knew that for them, it felt like they knew each other since they were kids.

It was two weeks after the incident and they had arranged a funeral with an empty casket.

The two agencies were filled with grief as the general teams walked through the halls, dressed in black, eyes on all of them. They immediately recognized the absence of the blond beauty: Rapunzel.

Rapunzel didn't want to attend the funeral, no matter how disrespectful it was. She didn't want to accept the fact that her best friend was dead. She stayed in her room, under her covers and stared at her bedside table which carried a picture frame of her and the three other girls. Tears streamed horizontally down her face, over the bridge of her nose. She denied it.

"Merida isn't dead, this is just some prank!" She told herself over and over again, but she was never convinced.

The casket was decorated with blue and red flowers, those that matched her eyes and hair. On top wasn't a giant bouquet, but rather her precious bow and arrows, neatly tucked into a golden quiver, specially made to honor Merida. Amblin and Walt quietly stood before it, their heads down, as the seats began to fill.

It was painful. To the agents, it was as if they witnessed the death of a whole city. They missed her loud accent, her snorts, her beautiful eyes, her unintentional flirting, and especially her punches that "weren't so hard." Everyone missed her dearly.

Unexpectedly, the speakers went off and a deep voice erupted from the device.

"Agents! I have pity on your poor souls. Therefore, I have discussed with myself and decided to give you all a month break. As I understand your pain, I have decided to take pity on you. I am sorry for your loss—oh wait! No I don't! I killed her! See you soon!"

Gasps filled the whole garden, that weather stations reported a sudden but short decrease in oxygen, and the speakers continued to play it's torturously pleasant music.

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