Chapter 5

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When Hiyori finished hugging Yato, he took his time walking over to me. I stared at him blankly. He was used to it by now. He wrapped his arms around me but I didn't know why. Wasn't I the one who was meant to hug him?

"You're injured" he whispered in my ear.

I frowned before pulling away and examining myself. I had a huge gaping hole in my side. I was bleeding heavily, tainting my clothes all over. I didn't feel woozy at all even though it was affecting needed organs. I raised an eyebrow at Yato.

​"Do you want me to go hospital?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"I have no control over you" he smiled at me softly.

I wiped the blood away with a bit of my clothing to see a huge rash there. Yato frowned falling into deep thought.

"You can get those types of rashes, but Gods normally have it up to this extent" he told me touching it. "Does it hurt?"

I nodded knowing there was no point in lying. He remained quiet for a while before heading over to a tank of purified water. When he reached out, I saw the same sort of rash spread from his neck to his arms. I gave Yato a worried glance.

"Yukine's been giving you trouble" I said.

His eyes shifted over to me and he nodded slightly.
"He's been thinking about stealing."

Hiyori looked at the ground, probably know this was happening.
"He stole money the other day but dropped it" Hiyori spoke up guiltily.

I looked behind to see Yuki staring at us, backing up ever so slowly. But I was already in front of him. I gave him stern eyes.

"Why?" Was all I asked.

He looked as if he was expecting more. I shook my head, "I'm not the nagging type of sister. I asked a simple question. Why?"

He looked down at his feet. "I can't take it. Yato. What he did to the shinki's and humans. Then felt so nonchalant about it. That's not right!" He yelled.

"Is stealing?" I asked. He shut up and looked me in my light green orbs and shook his head ashamed. I stroked his hair back and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry. I-." He didn't continue what he was saying and ran off with tears in his eyes. I remember, it was really hard for him. When he was alive. He was bullied and ignored.

I walked back up to Yato and Hiyori. She was fuming. "You call that sibling love? You made him cry and run off."

"He's sure to steal again Yato. But I made him think about his actions. How are you feeling?" I asked totally ignoring Hiyori.

"Don't ignore me!" She yelled.

I slowly closed my eyes. "I do stuff how I want to do stuff. The way I do them is softly and straight out. If you were listening you would have heard me say he's thinking about his actions but is still going to steal."

She stared at me shocked at how calm I was discussing the whole situation. I opened my eyes again and set out to find Yuki. Yato followed so of course Hiyoir did as well.

"Talk about leaving something important" Yato mumbled. Once again he had to carry her body. I rolled my eyes.

"So we can jump on the roof tops now? Good."

I jumped really high and landed softly on read tiles of a roof that seemed highly familiar. After a while of searching I found Yuki...and Nora.

"Get away from him, Nora!" I yelled to her.

Her head snapped towards me sharply. "Nice to see you again Mizuki-chan."

You never left me alone (Noragami - Yato love)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora