Chapter 13

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(Not according to manga~)

"Yato, your going the wrong way..." I deadpanned. He gave me a quick glance before scoffing cockily. He shook he's head ignoring my comment. I sighed and shook my head at his stupidity. We were on our way to Hiyori's house, but mister know it all doesn't know where he's going. I've been telling him it's in the opposite direction but were just coming closer to the city's border. I grabbed his hand and stood grounded on my spot. He stumbled back slightly. He pouted at me and a mischievous look crossed is eyes. Yukine was suddenly starring at Yato uncomfortably.

"Stop, your giving Yuki dirty thoughts" I grumbled staring into Yato's captivating blue eyes.

He rolled his eyes. "Which way?" He changed the subject. I jerked my head in the opposite direction. He sighed annoyed with me for some odd reason. "Why didn't you say so?"
I frowned at him, "what? I've been saying that for the last two hours Yato." He stared at me blankly and transported us at Hiyori's. I then got pissed off.

"If you could have done that, why didn't you in the first place?" I yelled. He fell backward hearing my sudden outburst clearly. Hiyori then tumbled down the stair. She also looked frightened slightly. She rose an eyebrow, "your late because he failed at finding my house without transportation?"

Dang she's sharp. I only nodded once and stormed up her stairs to her bedroom knowing she didn't mind. It was Yato who had to ask for permission. Hiyori followed me slamming the door in Yato's face. I sighed and opened the door with my newly found power, telepathy. He did not have an amused look on his face. Hiyori and I giggled slightly. Were both good friends now but were rivals for Yato's love. Yuki sat on the side of Hiyori's bed while the rest of us either leaned or sat on a chair.

Hiyori kindly gave us a place to stay here. Yato and I shared a bed what she wasn't happy about. Yukine stayed with Hiyori in a different bed seeing what pervy thing he was about to do to Hiyori. We chatted for a while and taught Yukine with his homework. Yuki struggled the most in math which I was pretty good at, so I taught him that most of the time.
It was finally time to retire to bed and Yato was about to drop straight into bed with his clothes on, but I slapped him in the face and told him to change. What I didn't really have in mind was him just in his boxers.

I blushed, put on my tank top and shorts. I told him not to look but him being a boy, he must have peeked. We climbed into bed facing each other.

Alert! Alert! Next chappy is a lem scene!

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