Chapter 10

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A few days have passed know what. It's still a major sensitive subject, for me, for Yato, for Hiyori...for Yukine. But were slowly recovering, I can't help but have this sinking feeling in the bottom oft stomach though.

When ever I have those feelings, I'm usually right. My attention is constantly draw to Hiyori, this was making me think 'has it got anything to do with her?'

Well I think we already established the fact that it involves always does unless it Yukine...
Those two always cause trouble. There like a human magnet for trouble.
Yato visited the God of Learning's shrine.

Oh how Yato seemed to get annoyed at his sudden boasting. Those two never grow up. Yato has so many enemies, and yet so many friends. I don't even think he noticed how many friends he's met along the way.

"Mizuki!" Yato yelled snapping his fingers repeatedly in my face. I broke out of my long train of thoughts and stared him in the eye emotionlessly.

"What blue eyes?" Dazzling blue eyes, I thought.

He rose and eyebrow, "don't need to snap at me, do weMizuki? Anyways, Hiyori wanted us to join her for the new year. Wanna come?"

This is made my stomach sink even more but I agreed anyway. I went out and started to get something comfortable other than a black tank top and black baggy tracksuits.

I had enough money to by a jumper that said'WTF what the fudge', black skinny jeans and Jordan's. (I totally have all of that lol)

By the time I headed out it was really late out. It seemed like all of the shops were closed, but something was about to happen.

I found Yato walking somewhere, I also found Hiyori who again, lost her body and chased after Yato. I followed Hiyori but from above, what she was following was a complete fake (I think).

I soon, myself lost her. For some reason though, I sensed that Nora. Son of a...
Hiyori is in trouble. As always. I sighed as I made my way to find Yato sloppily. The way I tracked him? I have no idea, I just did. I found him and Yukine fighting a bunch of Phantoms.

I was just going to stay there and watch but I didn't see a person who hide their face away from me. They stood behind me and attempted to push me over the three story building. I didn't budge obviously.

What I did do was turn to face him. I could feel the smirk playing on his face. Is he the one behind all of this? Either way, if he attacks me, I'll kill him.
And he did just that.

He punched me in the gut not making much of an affect on me. I stood up straight and slapped him in the face causing him to fall to the ground. I frowned.

"You're weak. I don't fight weak people" I told him. He gave me another wide smirk.

"Oh? You think I'm weak?" He questioned. He suddenly appeared behind me and he tried to strangle me. I don't move, all I said in a strong clear voice was, "get stronger and I'll fight you. Get lost, you're weak."

He let go with a scoff and disappeared without a trace. When I looked down, Yato was being a show off, stabbing the last Phantom without looking or turning towards it.

I jumped Down to him and grabbed Yuki from his hand. I started to play around with Yuki's blade. He laughed but tired.

"Shinki" Yato smiled. "Let's go!" So we did. We finally found Hiyori when daylight broke again. She was waving to her pathetic friends and turned to look at us carefully. I shook my head. Something's not right.

"Happy new year, Hiyori." I kind of zoned out afterwards until Hiyori spoke.
"Um..who are you?" She questioned quietly.
I began punching the wall. Damn it.

"Nora...must of took her memories of us" I mumbled.

I'm ashamed of how short the chapter was but that was a filler of the episode Noragami, the main bit was Hiyori.

The chapter was super short. Gomen, I'll try not to do it on fillers but seriously, they do a whole load of fillers on Naruto and it gets annoying. I don't want them to do it on Noragami as well. Anyhow


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