Chapter 9

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Daioku stared at us unwillingly. "Put Yato down. I'll only let you two through. Kofuku, help them wash the blight off."
He then stared at my little brother. "Move from that spot and I'll kill you."

He looked down at his feet and I sighed. "He's already dead. Just like you" I mumbled. I gently laid Yato down on the ground and went through the barrier.

"I'm going out Kofuku, I'll see if I can get some help." I tilted my head know the ceremony he was going to do. "Yato...said I could possibly be...a god. He actually was completely sure."

Daioku nodded, "you know what I'm going to do. But let me check with Yato." He walked outside to Yato. "Nod if you conscious."

Yato nodded slightly, cracking his eyes open slightly. "Do you think she could be a God?" He questioned.

Yato stared at him confidently and closed his eyes slowly shouting in pain. Daioku looked up and sets off seeing he was confirmed on if I was a God or not.

"This is your fault" Hiyori said to me quietly. I didn't even notice. I sighed and looked at my feet. "Care to tell me why you think it's my fault?" I questioned.

She he rolled her eyes and got into clean clothes. "I'm going out to get help" she announced. And she was off. I sighed and went outside and sat beside Yato, keeping my distance.

"I'm sorry Yato" I told him knowing he was awake. He shook his head as if to say it wasn't my fault. I scoffed, "don't give me that. We both know that if I didn't reveal myself as Yuki's brother he wouldn't , you wouldn't be in this state."

He he cracked his eyes open once more despite the pain he was in.

"If you didn't, then it would be sad. Siblings and they don't even know they are" he whispered. He coughed up some blood making me have to back up a bit. I smiled slightly.

"Thank you for caring" I said. He nodded and groaned in pain. He probably thought I was gone, he kept all the pain in to talk to me.

Daioku came back with no one. I frowned a bit. "So it's only us two?" I questioned.
"Not completely" a familiar voice said. I looked up to see Kazuma, Bishamonten's shinki. He owes Yato more than his life. No wonder he came.

"So it us now" I smiled but first Daioku asked to let Yuki go. He shook his head, he was determined to keep him. Yuki started moving and my eyes widened.

"Yuki stop moving" I whispered.

"Why? Your going to kill me anyway!" He yelled.

"Yuki, stop and take off you shirt" I demanded strongly. He froze and did as he was told.
"Now turn around" I said.
He did that and freaked out. Just as I though, he's turning into a Phantom. We surrounded him and started the ablution. Yuki screamed in devastating pain.

"Yuki, confess what you've done wrong" I told him. "Or you'll turn into a Phantom." He only screamed banging against the walls.

"I didn't do anything!" He yelled not giving up without a fight. We made the barrier tighter making him holler like crazy.
"Yuki!" I screamed at him. Just because I was his sister didn't mean I didn't think he deserve this. But what I didn't understand, why was he not giving up? Did he want to be a Phantom?

Again we tightened the barrier. Come on!
"It doesn't matter! Leave me alone!" He roared demonically.

Hiyori raced in, I was completely grateful. Although as she spoke she was bashed backwards. But she didn't give up. Yato continuously coughed up blood.

"If we didn't care about you, then we would have let you go or killed you by now Yuki. Your our friend!" Yato and I shouted in unison.

Yuki came back to the real world after the word friend. "Friend?" He teared up.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I stole, I'm sorry I lied! I'm sorry I tried to play around with Hiyori while she was sleeping," I smirked at that I could help it, "I'm sorry for all that I did wrong! I'm sorry!" he cried.

I nodded as the Phantom started to dispel. He cried on the floor leaving Yato breathing heavily, relieved of the pain. I hugged Kazuma, "thank you for keeping your promise."

"What promise? I owe him, that's all." But he hugged back with a soft smile. I pulled back and pushed him lightly.
"Now go back to that God Bitchamomten" I laughed and he did so.

Time skip•~•~•~•~•
We sat on the floor in front of the two boys in the house. Hiyori was tearing up while I stayed staring emotionless. I went up to Yuki and hugged him tightly.
"Don't do that ever again" I whispered in his ear. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry" he said crying on my shoulder. I shook my head.

"I was so worried!" Hiyori yelled hugging both Yuki and Yato when I got up. When she let go, Yato had a very slight blush on his face. I went back down and hugged him softly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head in my shoulder.

"Thank you."


😁 I loved that epi! Thanks for reading guyz!

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