Chapter 15

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Last chappy guys. Thank you so much for reading.

I pulled away catching my breath. He flipped us over suddenly, shocking me completely. Without warning he shoved two of his fingers up my womanhood. A light whimper mixed with a moan escaped my mouth. He went faster making me moan louder. I felt his now milk wet fingers come out of me. He looked me straight in the eyes asking for permission to entre me. I stared at him worried but said yes wanting him more than ever. He slammed into me, not holding back at all. I fell dick press against the walls inside my vagina. I let out a loud cry not ever experiencing this pleasureful pain before. Without stopping, Yato continued slamming into me. I grabbed on too him biting my lip. I was able to contain my screams but that made my moans louder. 

After sometime i did feel the pain anymore. I only enjoyed the pleasure Yato gave me. Then it happened. Both me and Yato felt we needed to climax. The white liquid draing out of me while Yato's continued going in me. I again dug my fingers into his arms letting out another whimpering moan. 

•~•~• time skip - a few weeks later

That day remained stuck in my head. Yato inside of me. A blush would always appear randomly on my face. Oh yeah, then their was Yukine. He listened to every single moan, heard everyone of Yato's pervy thoughts and now knows how to do his girl...when he gets one. I couldn't help but think to myself 'aren't I a little late?' My period hasn't started yet. Yato and I had sex at the beginning of the's been 3 weeks. I should have started by now. I began worrying which Yato easily caught up on.

"What's wrong?" He blurred out to me. 

Hiyori and Yukine where the next ones to look. I stared at Hiyori telling her I needed to speak to her. She nodded, grabbed my hand and pulled me to the corner of an alleyway. 

"What's up, Mizu?" She questioned quietly. I looked down slightly embarrassed. 

"We need to either go to the hospital or get a pregnancy test from the chemist..."

Silence enveloped us for a good two minutes. Then it began. She started fangirl and screaming as loud as she could. 

"Your pregnant?" She whisper yelled. I shrug, but immediately turned to face a box and let out a whole load of vomit. I wiped my mouth to be dragged to the chemist. The boys were just coming up to the alleyway, maybe thinking we were in danger. But we passed them. Like completely. Hiyori seemed as if she was running to be the next Usain Bolt. I was just frailing behind like I was nothing to major to carry. Shows how much man strength she has. We finally arrived and she stopped to suddenly, I need to vomit again, and not because of my possible pregnancy. She rubbed my back and lead me in to the pharmacy. I grabbed a test and asked if I could use their toilet to do it. They obviously agreed looking at my horrible state. Even offered to clean me up afterwards. I rejected the offer though. I took the test and brought it out with me shaking it slightly. I put it down for two minutes waiting for the result to appear. And it did. It said 'PREGNANT' in a jungle green print. I screamed happily with joy.

"Hiyori!" I screamed hugging her. She did as well squealing very loudly. We walked out of the shop giggling like crazy people. She was planning on dragging me again but I transported us to her house. Right when Yato appear. I hugged him tightly with tears rolling down my cheeks. I was still giggling like a mad person but slowly calmed down. 

"Yato...your going to be a dad" I told him slowly. It took him a while to take it in. 

"I'm gonna be a dad..." He whispered. "I'm gonna be a dad!" 

Hepicked me up by the waist spinning me around and landed a soft kiss on my lips. I rested my head on his chest laughing brightly just as the sun appear above us.  

I-I don't know what to say. This is the first story I've ever completed. My other ones will as well. I don't know what to say, I've got tears in my eyes and a few about to drop. I love you guys for reading this. It means so much to me. For you to give the time to read this. It means a lot. Thank you. I'm crying so hard right now. I love you I love you I love you!

Goodbye until next time~

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