Chapter 8

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He dried his tears and Yato was sitting where the sinks were. He looked pretty tired and exsausued. I began to worry. He waved over the boy towards him and gave him two tape knifes. My eyes widened and I shook my head disapprovingly. By then,Yuki was gone. He took the knives as Yato then whispered something descretly into his ear.

A nod was all that was given and he was gone, most likely to class. I grabbed Yato by his bib.

"Are you out of your mind? You gave to kid two knives!"

Yato let me hit him angrily, almost as if he thought it never mattered. I looked down and hugged him. Then whispered in his ear.

"I know whats happening, but do this for me and Yukine."

He nodded slightly and kissed me on the cheek. All of us went out of the bathroom but he disappeared from our sight.

"I saw what you did. Why?" Hiyori asked referring to the kiss in the cheek.

It wasn't even me who did it! I sighed and looked at her angry face. But she saw my worried one.

"I-is he..." Hiyori started but trailed off. I nodded a bit and turned away.

"Go to class Hiyori, your going to be late of you aren't already. I have to find Yuki. I'm going to watch him from the distant. I want him to realise what he's missing."

Hiyori nodded slightly before continuing her way to class. Without even thinking, I knew she was going to go and find Yato later. I jumped out of a window and flipped up on to the roof. I instantly found Yuki. I don't get how he can despise someone who the same as him. Then he walked into a classroom and pretended to be a student. I smiled a bit before turning my attention to something intriguing. The boy Manabu throwing a knife at the bully. Taking out one of his own he slowly walked forward.

A bit above where the action was taking place, Yato stood with a bottle of purification water. I jumped from the roof top I was on to him. He looked as tired as ever, it seemed as if every foot step he took, a hundred bolders pushed him down as they rained from the sky. This only made me worry more. But I turned my attention to Manabu. He lundged but suddenly stopped making the bully piss his pants, he ran off before Manabu fell back into his normal state. He fell forward but Hiyori caught him.

"I was ready to drop this thing just in case" Yato said walking down the stairs carefully.

"I remembered what you said" Manabu mumbled.

Then I got curious again, what did Yato say? Yato said a few more things to him before he scattered.

"Do you think the bully is gonna tell in him?" Hiyori asked.

"Nah, the kid pissed himself. I highly doubt it" I replied.

"I wonder what Yuki's doing..." I mumbled.

Just then, as if Yato was paralysed, he fell face first to the floor. My eyes widened now in fear.

"Go get Yuki!" I urged. Hiyori nodded in just as much shock. She brought him back.

"Quickly go home and leave you body, we need to go!"

I dragged Yato on to my back but as I did I saw all of the blight Yuki had been causing. I felt so guilty that I couldn't do anything. The blight spread to my hand.

"Yuki, pour that purification water over my head" I told him nodding my head to the direction of the water bottle on the floor.

He did as he was told.

"What happened?" He whispered.

I stared at him for a bit. "Yato has been tollorating your whining and crying and anger. This has all turned into blight and can't be purified..." I mumbled.

Not long after, Hiyori came back in her spiritual form. We jumped from roof top to roof top knowing where we had to go.

Kofuku and Daioku.

"Help us" I mumbled. They just stood in shock. Then without second thought, Daioku put up borderline.

Hiyori banged eagerly on it.

"Please!" She yelled. "Yato's dying!"

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