Chapter 7

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I placed him down resting him up. His head drooped then popped back up every so often trying to stay awake. I smiled a bit taking off my blue jumper and put it on him making sure he didn't notice. Yato followed shortly after. The air around us was tense. I turned and looked at him curiously.

"What were you saying about me being a God?" I questioned.

It's weird. Why only now am I finding out I'm possibly a God? I could simply be a phantom with special abilities.

"Your defiantly a God of war."

"But I'm related to Yukine. He's human, so how?"

"Yes, you two are siblings. But it doesn't mean to say your not a God. Plus, I did say you were most likely a God."

I nodded taking in all what I've heard. I started into space thinking of certain weird things I've been doing since I turned into a Phantom. I've been staring blankly at people for no reason, acting on instinct. Almost like an animals instinct. I've been more protective and angrier.

"Maybe...becoming a phantom was a good thing, I would have never figured all of this out. Yato, my behaviour has changed a lot since I became a phantom. Maybe that's linked with me becoming it being a God."

He nodded with a thinking frown. He studied me for a bit, but suddenly gained a curious expression.

"H-how did you use to act?" He asked automatically blushing.

I smiled slightly but it didn't last for long. I sighed in deep thought. I...I didn't know. I don't know how I used to act. And Yuki doesn't remember any of his past. Yato sighed as his phone rang.

He listened, "uh huh...okay. I'll be right there."

I stared at him waiting for him to tell us our next mission. He sighed and shook his head lowly.

"Bullying" he mumbled. Just then beeds of sweat rolled down his face and his eyes showed how he suddenly felt weak. It honestly looked like he was carrying a bunch of bricks on his back.

"Wake Yukine. We're going to Hiyori's school."

I frowned a bit. "I thought you were already helping Hiyori."

"It's not about Hiyori this time." I just nodded a bit and jolted Yuki awake. He pouted before yawning with a little stretch.

"We got a mission" I smiled holding my hand out for him.

He gladly took my hand I helped him to his feet. I pulled him onto my back and grabbed Yato's shoulder. He squeezed his eyes shut, obviously in pain, so I held on to his hand. Almost like a magnet his hand was attracted to mine and he intertwined his fingers with mine. I blushed deeply a bit before realising we were now at the school. Actually, at the girls bathroom with boys picking another boy. I elbowed Yato and he nodded. The bullies walked off leaving the scuffled boy on the ground. I helped him up into the girls bathroom with Yato following close behind.

Surprise surprise! Hiyori was in there. Yato the boy and Yukine all got bonked on the head with a broom stick. So did I but that was out if her jealousy. I bonked her back in the head.

"Don't hit me crazy" I mumbled. Manabu explained what was happening to him. Hiyori was automatically nice.

"I had no idea" she said handing him a handkerchief. He gratefully took it and dried his tears.

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