Medieval Time

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Third Person P.O.V

TAS led PUGS and the SC to the backyard - if you can even call it that.

The water was so clear and the night sky was so dark, you can see the Milky Way

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The water was so clear and the night sky was so dark, you can see the Milky Way.

Everyone looked up, awed.  The camera spanned around fast then slowed down.

"Alright," Natasha rubbed her hands together.  They had changed out of their costumes and now they sat around the bonfire on logs near the pool.

"Let's get started with this story, eh?"  Kathy's lips curled up into a creepy smile.

"It was a year ago," Nat began.  "We had finished designing the time machine and after school on the day before Christmas break, we decided to give it a go, test it out.  The time machine took us back to the Medieval Period, or the Middle Ages."

The water reflected Natasha's face.  Then it rippled and spread, distorting the surface and then warped the place back in time along with the story.

Back then...

"W...Where are we?"  Jenna sat up, rubbing her head and wincing.  The landing wasn't a smooth one and caused the passengers to fly out of the vehicle when they landed.

Her question went unanswered as Liz called out, "Is everybody okay?"

"Yeah," Kenzie responded.

"Some scratches, but I'm fine," Caroline replied.

After confirming everyone was okay and was present, TAS got up and looked around at their surroundings.  They were in a thick forest, and the time machine had landed in the thick branches of large bushes.

"We can leave it there, it's hidden," Sophie suggested.  the others agreed and began to walk through the forest, looking for signs of humans.

"W-What if we went too far back?"  Ali said nervously, fidgeting with her jacket.

"Don't worry, we'll be okay," Yolinda assured her.  "We can always go back on the time machine."

The girls marched in silence until they reached a clearing.  Iva lifted the large leafy branch in front of her face.  Beyond, was a small cottage next to a waterfall.  Rich, green grass.  Foamy, clear water.  It was like a tropical paradise.

"Wow!"  Eyes shining, the girls one by one stepped into the clearing.

"Hello?"  Alexander called, knocking on the brittle, old, wooden door.  "Anybody home?" Alexander took the knob and turned it, then swung the door open slowly.

"Elloooo?!~"  Suva went inside, knocking the door open wider.

"This reminds me of a horror movie," Sapphire shivered.

"Hey!"  Iva shouted, her hands cupped around her mouth as she walked in after Suva. "ANYBODY HERE?!"

"Shhhh!"  Suva smacked her.

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