Fight Fight Fight! Part One

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The 🏴 means that we're going to someone else's fight scene.

Note: all fighting scenes are happening at the same time. I don't feel like switching to another person every paragraph.

(*^ -^*) (*^ -^*) (*^ -^*)

Third Person P.O.V

The knights rushed forward while the girls merely waited for them.

Iva was grinning as she sheathed her sword, not planning on using it - yet. As the knight she faced swung a sword at her neck, Iva merely dodged it. Her sword stayed sheathed even when the man took out another sword and attempted to trap her between his two weapons.

The man started moving faster, his sword clanging against each other as he missed once again. Twirling around, he thrust out with his right sword and swiped with his left.

Whirling, Iva ducked her head and tilted to the side before jerking back up and holding her arms out, swaying back and forth. Sapphire who saw the movements out of the corner of her eyes laughed at Iva's dancing imitation. A sword swished by Iva's head as she bent her knees into a crouch and swung out a leg.

The knight jumped back as she did so. Iva went on her hands and flipped herself forward continuously until the knight moved out of her way. Iva raced to the other end of the arena, where she frowned at her dress.

Moving swiftly, Iva grabbed the collar and pulled upwards, yanking the dress off of her body. Underneath, she wore a black man tunic with white pants. Scowling, Iva reached with her hands to the opposite arm, took hold of the sleeves, and yanked the arms off of the tunic.

Unsheathing her sword, Iva made a cut to both of her pant legs in one swipe. Then using her hands, she yanked three fourths of the pant legs off.

The knight had been creeping up on her the whole time, but Iva didn't seem to notice. She was busy putting her hair up into a high ponytail with a piece of dress cloth to get it off of her forehead.

The knight lashed out with the speed of a striking cobra, catching Iva in the left arm. Iva quickly moved away from the soldier then held out her injured arm, studying the thin line of blood that oozed and dribbled out of her cut vein.

"Great," Iva looked up at the armored foe, her eyes half lidded and a small smile on her lips. "Another scar to add to my collection." Her voice sent shivers down the knight's back.

"And now," Iva's relaxed and lazy expression hardened into a harsh glare. "It's your turn." Iva grabbed her broadsword and ran forward so fast that she was a blur.

Iva grabbed the knight by his arm and yanked - hard. The knight tried to take his arm back but Iva jumped up and kicked him in the chest, causing him to stagger backwards. Iva then proceeded to jump and kick his back, forcing him to go into his knees.

As she did so, she faintly heard that they were allowed to kill the knights. Oh, how fun!

"You have armor, and I'm showing way too much skin," Iva's eyes turned darker (is that even possible?!) that held an evil glint to them. "It's not very fair, is it?" With that, Iva continued to pin the knight's arms tighter behind his back.

Then Iva heard Sophie say something. "Aweh, I wanted to take all of it off, but you have your armor to thank, at least," was what Sophie said.

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