Day Six

39 4 21

Third Person P.O.V

"Let's have a round of applause for...Running Man China and Running Man Korea!" Thunderous applause and whistles rose from the normal schools stands who actually knew who they were.

"Da jia hao!" The leader of Running Man China, Deng Chao, was talking in Chinese but almost everyone knew what they were saying - mostly...kinda. Where's the translator?

The microphone that was attached to his shirt was connected to a computer translator. Then on the big screens, it showed the people and the translated words underneath: "Hello everyone!"

"We're very glad to be here today at the World Wide School Olympics," Yoo Jae Seok from Running Man Korea was talking in Korean. "Although I don't know why Ripping Nametags is part of the games but, er, I'm not complaining," he said in an awkward voice. People laughed nervously. But seriously, why?

Then each Running Man team started introducing their members by the help of a voice that came over the speakers.

It was...quite dramatic. But people who watch the show is used to it while people who first saw them...was shocked and awkward.

"Running Man Korea's leader: Yoo Jae Seok!" Jae Seok struck a pose and ran around the field, waving his arms. The fans cheered and stomped their feet.

"RMK's Haha! Ji Suk Jin! Kim Jong Kook! Lee Kwang Soo! And their female members, Song Ji Hyo and Jeon So Min! And last but not least, Yang Se Chan!" When the introduction was over, all of RMK's members shouted, "Don't walk, RUN!" They had put their hands in the middle of the circle and threw their hands up.

(I do not have much info on RMK so...sorry if their introduction is rushed and/or incorrect. I don't really watch RMK, I mostly watch RMC.)

"Running Man China's captain: Deng Chao!" Deng Chao struck a monkey pose while the other members, some laughed, and a few of them pushed Deng Chao in embarrassment.

"Are you trying to scare them?!" Li Chen, one of the senior members yelled before playfully pushing Deng Chao down to the ground. "Look at that poor girl! She's going to get nightmares!" The rest of Running Man China's cast proceeded to kick Deng Chao while he was still on the ground. The audience laughed and clapped their knees in hysterical laughter.

"RMC's Li Chen, the Black Bull!" Li Chen made a face similar to a bull's and pretended to get on all fours, snorting and pawing at the ground.

"RMC's Wang Zulan, the "Grab-Chance King"!" Zulan immediately fell to the ground with his back pressed onto the earth for protection of his name tag.

"RMC's Zheng Kai, the "fastest man" in RMC!" Zheng Kai pretended to flex his muscles.

"RMC's Chen He! A genius but a pig!" 

"What can I say? I love food more than any of you!" Chen He chuckled.

"What did you say?" The woman of RMC's cast glared at him with a dark expression.

"I-I mean that I love food but they can't compare to you!" Chen He quickly corrected himself, backing away.

"That's what I thought."

"RMC's Angelababy, the Scream Goddess!" 

Just like that, Baby started screaming like crazy while the others backed away, plugging their ears.

"RMC's Lu Han, Silly Roe Deer!" 

Embarrassed, Little Lu went to hide behind his "father", Deng Chao, saying, "Dad, hide me." The fans started fangirling like cray, chanting his name.

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