Drama Class? More Like Cringe Test

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Warning: Cringe overload. I suck at literature. Read at your own risk.

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Third Person P.O.V

"I love you, my dear," Daifuku proclaimed, facing Evelyn.

"I love you too," Evelyn's words were much more passionate however, and the audience booed.

"Daifuku! More emotions!" The drama teacher demanded.

"Yes Ma'am." The scene started again, but this time, Daifuku put in as much effort as he can.

By the time class was over, the actors and actresses were exhausted from conveying their feelings. Trust me, its hard. Especially when you're trying hard not to convey your giggles into the words.

Iva and Caroline was trying so hard not to laugh that their face turned red. Alexandra's facial muscles was strained from trying not to squeal. Sophie and Jenna was sending dirty looks at their fellow TAS members. Ali, Natasha, and Yolinda shrank away from them and retreated into a dark corner to better conceal their laughter. Others, like Suva and Sapphire, was more brave to openly laugh at them.

"Now now guys, don't laugh," Liz was trying to be nice, but her face was glowing a rosy red from keeping her feelings in.

"Yeah, don't laugh," Kenzie managed to wheeze out, gasping for breath of holding back. But soon enough, TAS was rolling around, howling with amusement.

"Shut up!" Jenna hollered.

"AHAHAHAHAHAH!" They were too busy cackling with chuckles to hear or to care.

"I'm leaving," Evelyn hurried out the door after changing out of her costume.

"But shouldn't you take your beloved with you?" Kathy couldn't help but smile wickedly.

"S-Shush your mouth!" Oh my, that girl is stuttering.

"Hmmm? I thought you loved him!" Kathy beamed. TAS roared with amusement at Evelyn's tomato red face.

"Evelaifuku, Evelaifuku, Evelaifuku, Evelaifuku!" TAS chanted, banging their fists.

"Come on guys, be nice," Daifuku tried to help his classmate.

"Pffffft, what the fuck is nice?" Yolinda rolled her eyes, pretending to flip her hair. "We don't do nice."

"I've noticed," Daifuku said dryly. "But still, she's your friend, shouldn't you be at least considerate for her?"

"You're right," Ali said, straightening up.

"Yeah, we're sorry Ev," Natasha apologized.

What is wrong with them? Evelyn thought.

Then TAS turned to Daifuku and started taunting him about Evelaifuku instead.

The next day...

"WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed as they stared at the script.

"Who wrote this?" Sophie demanded, clenching the paper so hard that it crumbled and ripped in her hands.

"Um..." The drama student teacher wavered under the girl's glare.

"Oooooh, what the heck," Jenna turned away from her sheet of papers, trying to show that she didn't really care what was written on there.

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