Targets Acquired

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Third Person P.O.V

Evelyn was hopelessly in love. She was obsessed. Obsessed. Fucking obsessed I tell you! but that's not the worst part.

Sophie was trying to cut off all ties of feelings to Viper only to find that Cupid's arrows were made out of wurtzite boron nitride (synthetic) and lonsdaleite (which comes from meteorites). They are even harder than diamonds, by the way.

Not only is Sophie getting dragged deeper into love by stupid Cupid, Jenna is too.



Apparently, he was maturing and catching up with the rest of the boys his human age. And not only is he adorable, he's, a term you idiotic teenagers use these days.

Oh, and Ali was suggesting that Katnip should go to school, backed up by the other girls, except for Jenna. It was hard enough to avoid him at home, but now at school too?!

Now the three girls were desperately trying to drag themselves out of the love quicksand, but they were sinking. Evelyn was sinking faster than all of them combined while Sophie is next, but she has some time before succumbing to Cupid. Jenna still has hope, because she still has a higher percentage of falling out of love than the rest. But I don't think Cupid is going to let her go.

There's only two options: Get rid of their feelings or make the boys feel them too.

Targets Acquired: Evelaifuku, Siper, and Katnna.

Mission: Make sure that the ships leave port with the couples on board.

"So...what do we do?" You ask.

You? You, just sit back, and watch the show. You're useless in this matchmaking after all.

Okay, that was a bit harsh, but it is the truth.

Anyways, enough delaying, time for the the curtains to part.

"Is that all?" Sophie asked, raising an eyebrow at her source of information.

"Yes, senpai," Viper answered.

"Alright, you're dismissed," Sophie waved him away. Viper bowed his head like a servant and went away. Then Sophie went back to her impatiently waiting 'friend'.

"What did he say?!" Evelyn all but shouted when she saw Sophie coming back from the dark room.

"Calm down woman," Sophie growled before relaying the non interesting information she got on Daifuku.

"Oh my gawd," then Evelyn started blubbering like an idiot, repeating the information over and over again to find a way to use them. "What do I do?!" She wailed.

"Um, you can, shut the fuck up, ya know? That's a suggestion," Caroline said, grumbling.

"Oh, be quiet Car Car!" Evelyn exclaimed, gently swatting Caroline in the back of her head. Car rolled her eyes, hit her back - twice as hard - and returned to being an AROHA.

"I never knew he can sing," Alexandra said, pondering this info. Truth to be told, she had taken a liking to Daifuku but didn't say anything about it yet. Evelyn will surely kill her if Alex takes away Ev's bae. Or at least, mope around for twenty years and gain depression. Or she'll move on and find another guy to drool over. Hard to tell with this one.

"Guys, Katnip is coming to school today," Yolinda informed them. But no one was listening except for the shippers (excluding the love interests).

"Really?" Kathy's eyes lit up. "We can ship them!"

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