Love On Their Minds

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Third Person P.O.V

"Evelyn!~" A familiar taunting voice reached the girl's ears.

Sighing and annoyed, the said female turned to see her friend strolling casually towards her. "Yes?"

"No need to sound so unhappy to see me," Kenzie retorted.

"Whatever. What do you want?" Evelyn snapped. She was exhausted, body and soul. ...Please get your head out of the gutters.

Anyways, it's not what your dirty-ass and perverted mind is thinking. 

Evelyn is just tired of going over and over the events that happened the last few days with Daifuku.

Does he really like her? Or is he just trying to get her off his back? What if he actually likes her?! What will she do?!

These types of questions will make anyone go crazy. Especially for people who likes to put themselves down. *Cough cough* Ev *Cough cough*

"Wanna go shopping with me?" Kenzie asked, linking her arm with Evelyn's.

"No," Ev answered. "Ask Liz or someone else other than me."

"No one wanna come with me," Kenzie whined.

"That's not my problem," Evelyn didn't yank her arm away, but continued to walk, dragging Kenzie behind her.

"Evelyyyyyyn," Kenzie drawled, holding onto her with both of her hands.

"Kenzzzzzzie," Evelyn mimicked, finally trying to pull away from the brat.

"Come with me!"

"I said, NO!" Evelyn yelled, sick and tired of the crap she was forced to put up with everyday.

"Fine, jeez woman, no need to shout," Kenzie pouted before walking away, probably to find another person to drag to the mall with her.

Evelyn watched her 'friend' move through the small throng of students before turning away and continued onward, only for her to be stopped by a taller person by bumping into their chest.

"Sorry," Evelyn mumbled, looking down before stepping to the left in order to leave. But she was snatched by the wrist by the person she bumped into. Eyes wide with concern and fear, the girl turned around and looked up.

Into the bright red eyes she could recognize anywhere.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, breathless. "I thought you left!"

"No, I'm still here, Ev," he smiled charmingly at her.

Sophie's P.O.V

Casually walking through the small crowd of students - who went quiet when they caught sight of me - I wonder if Jenna or Iva would like to accompany me to find another toy. 

Now, you may be wondering, What about Viper?

Viper was useless now, I didn't want to hur-

Wait. What. I blinked and shook my head. No! I chided myself. You didn't think that!

You don't want to hurt him. Instead, you want to cuddle up with him at night and sleep with h- My conscience teased.

That's enough! I yelled at it. That's not true!

Oh, yes it is Sophie...After all, I am part of you and I can explore the deepest, darkest, parts of your mind, Con teased.

Please shut up, I demanded, wanting to shut my ears. Surprisingly, I heard no more voices coming from Con. Good.

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