Day Seven

33 4 19

Third Person P.O.V

It was a brand new day - a very nice day for some slaughtering.

Well, not literal slaughtering but that's okay. Still very exciting. I guess. Depending on the power ups.

"WOOO! I'm excited for this!" Iva was pumped up. And judging by the amount of Red Bulls she drank, she'll be like this for a while.

"I don't wanna play. I'll just lay down here and..." Grunting, Caroline laid on the bench which she had covered with a blanket and a pillow. Laying her head on the soft pillow, she went to sleep after covering herself with another blanket.

"I don't wanna go either," Yolinda said. Because she backed out, so did Ali. Evelyn and Kathy didn't feel like it and so did Liz and Kenzie. Liz wanted to play but because of a bug (Kenzie) that wanted her to stay, so Liz stayed. Jin didn't want to play because he doesn't want to mess up his princess looks. Neither did Moonbin or Daifuku felt like sweating today.

Natasha had to play because the others forced her to be the leader. The leader is the most important person. Once ripped, the whole team is out. The principal had explained the rules quite clearly.

The mini rounds are for power ups and clues to where the power ups are located. It is also where you get the opportunity to make other teams' members out. There are only three mini rounds. That is because the last round, the name tag ripping, is a major event that takes hours.

"Alright, so for the Mochi Team, it is Ash, Lelon, Zane, Viper, Sophie, Iva, Jenna, (and a bunch of other twenty three students from the C Wing - because athletic peoplezzzz.)," the principal rattled off his students.

"I'm so excited," Zane whispered, jumping up and down.

"I think we should eliminate the strongest people during the mini rounds," Ash started.

"No! We eliminate the weakest and then during the war, we can fight the strongest!" Sophie objected.

"Yes! I wanna beat that guy's face in. I can't stand her!" Iva said, agreeing.

"Er...who?" Viper asked.

"No one you need to know!" Iva crossed her eyes and glared daggers at the person in the crowd.

"You know what their weaknesses and strengths are, right?" Lelon had to make sure.

"Yes," the team responded.

"Alright, let's do this," they all huddled up together. "One, two, three, WAR!" They split up and waited for the rounds to start.

Mini Round One...

The producers were explaining the rules of the game. "You have to race though the mud in different positions. Once you reach the center of the mud area, you have to get onto the round platform. The last person who is on the platform gets to represent his or her team to eliminate ten enemies."

"Woah, that's a round we can't lose," Percy said.

"Ready? Set. GO!"

The teams took off. The mud arena was about the size of a third of the stadium. Huge, I know.

The first position that the teams had to do was crawling. By the time all the teams reached the platform, they were all covered with mud from head to toe. The first person to get onto the platform was Ryuko from Honnoji Academy.

"ARGHHH! GET OFF YOU PIGS!" She shouted before roughly kicking Walt off of the platform.

"Hey! Don't kick him!" Sadie protested.

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