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Camila P.O.V
I was In my room when i heard something hit my window. I thought I imagined it so ignored it and went back to tumler on my phone, when I heard it again. I opend it to see Dinah on the other side in her room throwing jelly beans at my window.

"Oii Im taking you to a party get ready in 20!"

With that she shut her window.Great I have to got to a party on a school night on a monday?I began to get ready and put a dress on not knowing what kind of party it was.Dinah knocked on my door and I walked down stairs.

"Wow Mila your going to have alot of guys after you today!" Dinah smirked

"yeah yeah whos party is it?"

"Ariana, you dont know her "

We drove over to a huge house with people dancing and already drinking. Dinah pulled me over to the dance floor and we dance for about half an hour when i hear someone yell and jump off the roof into the pool, half of everyone started yelling and joined in to the fun.Dinah, Normani,Vero,Louis,Brad,Shawn,Jacob and I went over where the drinks were only to see Lauren,Zayn,Harry,Austin,Kyle,Justin, and Cara there but none of them were drinking.

We got closer to them and we were standing next to them to get drinks.A hour later we were drunk but I could still function.They went to the dance floor but i stayed behind.

"Why arent you joining them?" Lauren said approching me

"I got a headache "

"come lets get fresh air and get away from the music thats probably the problem"

She extended her hand for me to take but I just stared at her.

"I dont bite " she said laughing

I started laughing nervously but took her hand. We went upstairs into a room and went to a balcony.

"Your beautiful" I said after a couple moments of silence

"So are you but im afraid the alchahol is talking  here not you" she said laughing

"Its just making me have more confidence to tell you" I said stepping closer to her but she backed away


I put my lips on hers but she backed away? Dinah told me she was how do I say this ? A fuck girl ? But why wont she be with me?

"Camila I cant be with you that way, We just met and your a wolf you should know the rules"

"What? Im not a-"

We hear police sirence and Lauren picked me up and jumped off but some how I managed to be in her car? Lauren was talking to someone telling them she was taking me home and to take care of my friends and tell them im alright.

"Where do you live" she asked me

"I just met you why should I tell you" I said reffering to our last convorsation

"You kissed me and we just met " she said with a smirk

I told her where I lived and when we got out the car she picked me up bridal styal and flew into my window and laid me in bed. She turnd around to leave but I held her hand.

"Stay with me till my parents come"

"Where are your parents"she said curiose

"There at work from 5pm to 3am"

"Ill be sitting over here then"lauren said

"No come lay with me-"

"I dont think thats a good idea-"

"We are just gana sleep silly"I said laughing

"I dont sleep but okay"

Lauren laid down next to me and I cuddled up to her. She was realy cold and im pretty sure she heard my heart fasten when I put my face in the crook of her neck.



"I- i dont think this is a good idea, I dont want any problems-"

Lauren P.O.V
I look down to see that she has fallen asleep. I pushed her hair out her face and studied her for a while and i wrapped my arms around her and she snuggles more into me.I couldnt help but smile at her. I touched my lips and the thought of hers bieng on them again made me feel alive again, is it wierd that i feel like i have butterflies in my stomache?A while later I heard The door shut and I carefully moved out of the bed and threw the window.

Zayn was waiting for me at the house to check up on me if I was okay and i told him what happend and he said he was proud of me for not taking advantage of her and making sure she got home safe. I asked him about the wolfs and he said they were fine the police offerd them a lift home.

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