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Lauren quickly picked up Camila and directed her eyes with Zayn

"What are we going to do!"


Lauren ran out of the cabin with Camila in her arms and the rest of the pack following behind while Laurens cliques tryed to distract the intruders (Cuz well Lauren thinks wolfs are slower than vampires no biggie right?)

They made it to the school inside Allys office and Lauren was walking to one side to another

"Im going back"Lauren said

"Wait what?"

"We have been here for 40 minutes and THEY ARNT BACK YET!"

Camila flinched as Lauren yelled

"Wow Okay Lauren go back and check,Harry and I will go with you while the rest of them stay here okay but dont take your anger on other people "Dinah spoke up

"What are you waiting for lets go"

Lauren,Dinah and Harry Left

Camila was sitting on the corner of the room when she felt eyes on her

"Newbie?" Lucy asked

"What gave it away?" camila answerd

"I coud smell you "

"well thats great"

Lucy thought about telling Camila about her kiss with Lauren but the door flew open When all of Laurens clique came in wounded and groaning with pain

"What happend, Whers Lauren?!"

"Im here babe"

Lauren came in holding up Austin

"I thought they said they would give us a month"Austin complaind

"The new spread like a wild fire and they took matters into there own hands to try and stop it"Lucy chipped in

"Brook said she was going to be here in two days, We can choose our classrooms and the lockerroom to clean up and ill go to the nurses to see what i could give te rest of you"Zayn said

Lauren went into a classroom sitting on one of the chairs thinking for a while when Camila walked in moments later and pushed the table

"Camila what are you-"Lauren was shushed with a finger to her lips

"Its Karla to you"

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