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Camila stood up

"Where is she!" She said while starring at Ally

"I was with the Head V when they planned to Kidnap Lauren I couldnt stop them Camila"Ally replied

"We have to start preparing for any Lurid activitys and know that people are going to die because of this..we need to make sure that you are willing to go through all of this"Zayn

"For Lauren...Ill risk it"Lucy said and Camila's eyes made contact with hers

"For Lauren..."Camila said standing up

"For Lauren" Dinah stood up aswell

"For Lauren"

"For Lauren" and so on

"Well lets go" Camila said


"You wont get away with this!"Lauren yelled

"Oh realy?Where is your little girlfriend at?"Vero said

"shes comming-"

"Oh she will soon" Vero smirks

"Wha-whats that supposes to mean"Lauren tryed to stand up but the chains on her legs wouldnt allow it

"I guess we just have to find out right?" she turns around and locks the door


"Okay guys stick to the plan alright ? We cant have anyone screw up or our cover is blown and we wont save her"Ally whisperd

Camila pov

Ally started leading us to this huge house in the middle of a forest each if us had a walkie-talkie and a gun that shooted wood (My babysiters a vampire lol) we had to enter the house thru the back secretly because they had men walking around with guns protecting the house.We were so close of not getting cought up but of course my clumsy self tripped and one of the guys grabbed me and since I was in the back noone had noticed till my gun fell and Louis heard and his eyes withen and I started shaking my head for him not to attack but he turn and told the rest


"Since I kinda dont want you to die from starvation I brought you blood in a bag"Vero came back in unlocking the door, as soon as she gave it to me I began drinking as she sat herself in a chair "I want your death to be slow and painfull"

I was going to say something when I heard knocking

"Come in"

A guy walked in with a unconscious Camila

"Camz!" I tried to stand up but got kicked on the back

"Thank you Michael, You can put her down right infront of her and your dismissed"

Michael put Camila down and left

"Well would you look at that"Vero said as she scooted closer to Camila

"Get the fuck away from her !"

Vero just smirks as her hand made her way to Camilas shirt and slowly started to unbotten her it


Vero ignored her as she took Camila's Shirt off and started kissing Camila's neck

"Get away Vero I swear Ill KILL YOU ILL FUCKEN KILL YOU"Lauren tried to set herslelf free

"I told you she was going to come"shelooked up with a smile

"Leave my girl alone!"

Vero started leaving marks on Camilas chest and her hands traveld to one of her boobs and gave them a squeeze but stopped when she heard her gasp

"Get the fuck off me" She yelled and started pushing her off but stopped when Vero slapped her and grabed both her arms and but them on top of her head and started kissing her on the mouth

"Camz ! Please stop! Vero please...please!" Lauren tried to escape from the chains

Vero just looked down at Camila and with one hand she held both her wrist since she was a Valf (wolf & vamp) she was stronger and with her other hand she started unzipping her pants, Both Camila and Lauren struggling to break free

"ILL FUCKEN KILL YOU LEAVER HER ALONE" Lauren said as she heard Camilas cries

Vero slipped her hands in and Camila yelled with so much emotion and heartbreak that made Lauren eyes red and her fangs and nails came out and ripped the chain and grabbed Vero and pulled her away from Camila and ripped Veros head of her body and threw both pieces on the other side of the room, Laurens breathing was unsteady with her eyes clothes trying to catch her breath but her eye widen when she heard Camilas soft crys

"Camz..." Lauren grabed her shirt and started buttoning her shirt and ziped her pants up hugging her while Camila's eyes were just staring at the floor

"babe please look at me"Lauren said crying

"I just got raped..."More sobs came from both them

"Im sorry ...Im sorry I tried ... Im sorry"

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