Chapter 22

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"Zayn what is wrong with you!"Harry yelled

"Zayn we need a plan"Lucy said


"Zayn its not just you, look at Camila"

"Camila come on"

"Camz yo-"Lucy said

"Dont call me that"Camila whisperd

"What?"Lucy approched her

"Dont.Fucken.Call.Me.That!"Camila yelled crying and locked herself in a close restroom

"what was that about?"Lucy asked

"Only Lauren could call her that"Dinah said walking away to where Camila had just left

"Zayn we need to do somwthing"

Zayn was just starring of the window, crying thinking about the worst thatcould happen to His bestfriend while Camila balled her eyes out blaming herself for the arguement

"Chanch we cant just cry our way out of this we need to sart taking action" Dinah said

"I feel help less, its all my fault"

"Walz dont say that, comon lets go with the rest of the group and see what we come up with"

Camila pov

Dinah and I started walking and started telling everone to meet us in the cafeteria for a meeting when we ran into Shawn

"Shawn could you go to the main office and in the microphone say were making a meeting in the cafeteria?"

"Sure Mila"

We started organizing plans and places we think they have her and everyone had a amazing plan

"Wheres Zayn?"Cara asked

"I told him to come but he gave me a cold look"Brad said

"Maybe kyle and I should go talk to him"Jacob said

As if we saw the future Zayn walked in with puffy red eyes

"I Know where she is"Zayn said Ally walking after him

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