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Louis P.O.V

"Babe i dont know how long I can do this for.. They almost killed Camila!"

"Louis its going to be okay, we need to tell them today we have to before its to late"

"What if they dont accept us!"

"They will!"

"common lets go we need to give Camila her cloths"

Lauren P.O.V

"Guys we have to tell you something" Harry said

Everyone turnd to look at them

"Its kind of hard for us to say but-"

"aye we need to leave now the plane is going to take off in 20 min!!"Vero came running in

We all got in different cars and went to the airport 4 hours later we took a cab into the forest into a huge Cabin. we all got into rooms and Camila and I got the same room together

"Babe are we realy safe here?"camila asked me

"For now baby ..for now , Zayn and Louis want to speak with Ally since shes one of the head leaders but for now we have to act like everythings normal okay?"


We were all in the living room discussing whats going to happen and our food suplys and plans. Harry stood up along with Louis hand in hand everyone looked confused at them?

"Harry and I are together"Louis said

"What?" i said

"what you heard and im sorry you-"

"So you guys have been together behind our backs? even after you know the fucken rules!?" i yelled my fangs comming out and my eyes turning red

"Dont you think that maybe they got the wrong couple and attacked Camila!!!! Thinking it was us! Are you guys fucken stupid, they could have killed her !" i started walking twords them my nails comming out

"babe stop"

"Dont 'Babe stop' me, you could have gotten killled camz!! "

Zayn stood up and pushed me into the wall

"lauren you need to calm down but yourself in there position"

"how long have you guys been together"

"over a year"Louis said

"and your now telling us!"

"I was scarred you wouldnt accept us..."

"Harry of course we would.. your our bestfriend but why would you guys be together after... the lucy thing? you both know the rules Harry" I said

"We were to inlove lauren we couldnt just stop seeing eachother..."

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