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Camila woke the next day (since I cant )on the floor wrapped around blankets that Zayn Had brought and managed to walk in on us. Talk about embarrasment, Camila was on top of me while I was playin around with her hair

"Would you ever want kids" She asked and I stoped my movments


"Kids? you know, they come out-"

"Camz I know where they come from"I said laughing " But I dont think we are at a place where we can have kids,I mean we still in highschool we have been together for nine months and lets not forget we are trying to be killed you know?"I said chuckling but her? not so much

"Ive always had a plan of having like..4 kids"


"yes 4 and living by the beach with a pet goat"

"A goat baby?"I said laughing

"Yes and you better not suck its blood"

"you know we... cant right...Have children"

"Well you have a brother... he can donate and our kids will have your genes you know? Colord eyes maybe?" Camila said straddling me still completly naked

"Camz why dont we wait a little longer to have this convo?"

"I dont know i just want to talk about the future with you , your dreams your weakness-"

"You are my weaknees baby"

"Are you going to be in highschool all your life?"she said chuckling

"Ill go wherever you go"She leaned down and kissed me "And we took eachother serious so I dont see why not"

I was starting at her for a moment I knew that sooner or later I would have to tell her


"Yes babe" She said smiling down at me

"I ... Lucy and I kissed"The smile I loved so much dropped and tears started foarming

"Why?...why would that to me?"Tears dripping down her cheeks

"Im sorry I dont know why-"

"Stop.."She got off me and started putting her cloths on

"Camila I wanted to tell you but we got attacked"

Camila was just starting at the ground"Im .. I wow Lauren"

Camila headed off looking for Dinah ,looking at each of the classrooms Running with tears down her face when she bumps into Lucy

"Oh hey Camila-"

"I realy thought you were here to help ! Lucy..How could you? "

"Hey whats going on "Dinah came into the hall seperating Camila from Lucy

"Lauren cheated..."

"Camila You know it didnt mean anything!"Lauren Yelled

"Okay you ,Leave"Camila pointed at Lauren "I dont want you near me "

"Camila I dont know what took over me Just please ...Camz"Camila turn around with Dinah and went into the classroom leaving Lucy and Lauren there

"Luce ... im so sorry..I had to tell her I cant tell her lies..please tell me you will still help me out here.. I need to keep her safe Luce shes everything to me.."Lauren was sobbing to Lucy

"Lauren..I told you I would help you, I already Have people on there way, Im here for you and Camila"

Your real? (Camren)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα