Chapter 25

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"To soon" was all that was heard, The last thing Camila Had heard from her bestfriend but what Lauren heard was worse. Camila Yelling and running twards the lifeless body on the ground.

"You assholes!" Camila was going twards them but Lauren ran twards her and pushed her back "Leave me alone! let go!" tears rushing down her face " you killed my bestfriend"

"Ally how .. how could you! we trusted you!" and from there All you could see if Normani swinging her fist onto Allys face and when she fell twards the ground both sides of the groups attacked eachother

"For Dinah!"

"For Dinah!"

Everyone started attacking.killing each other.
Lauren tried to get Camila as far away as she could from Dinahs body

"Baby we need to leave please"Camila was in shock, she couldnt move but the tears wearnt stopping "Camila!" She finally looked up and swinged her arms around Laurens neck.Lauren picked her bride style and when she went for a run , Austin tripped her making Camila slip out her arms while Austinwalked over to her.

"Austin What the hell are you doing! im Fucking warning you! Step back" It was as if in that moment everyone stoped what they were doing, just starring at them

"Oh shut it Jauregui" He picked up Camila by the throut "I told you I wanted her" he put his lips next to Camilas ear

"Get away from her " She stood up but her pulled out a nife and pointsd it to her throut

"One more step and shes out"

Everyone was looking at them no moves no fighting just stares

"Never like you Lauren, wasnt it obviouse?" He laughed but but the nife closer to Camilas neck "Its always you, You , You! Never follow the rules and we get punished! No Lauren- Ahh" He yelled in a swift move Zayn kicked his leg and Camila tryed to run but Austin stabed Zayn in the leg and when he turned to see Camila hanging on to Lauren He thru the nife at thier direction and he saw a body fall and that was all he saw before everything turned black for him as Zayn Cracked his neck off his body.


Everyone retrited and ran off only ones who were there were Zayn, Harry and normani who made a circle around Camilas body while she was loosing blood Lauren go on her knees and but Camilas Head in them

"Baby Please stay with us" She cried

"I .. I love you Lauren" was all she said

"No wake up, common " she started shaking her "Mila!"

She started crying onto her chest sobing her tears

Harry walked over to Louis's body and kneeled down and held his hand and gave it a kiss" Ill miss you" and broke down

Everything was quiet all you could hear were sobbs for a few moment


"No what " Zayn said to Lauren as he knelt down next to her slowly rubbing her back

"I hope this works" Lauren started biting Camila as Zayn took step backs looking with hope in his eyes as she bit her everywhere

"Common Camz I need you " another bite "stay with me " another bite " I love you " another bite and so on and when she saw it wasnt working she gave up and but her head down

"Lauren... theres no use, lets go"

"Just.. just a few more minutes.. please"

He kept back and watched in silence he turned around to look at all the bodys in the floor.

Lauren was holding on tight to Canilas hand crying onto her shoulder " Im sorry Camz"


Everyone lookd up and started getting close

"Camila!? Camz baby" She startsd crying mire and more holding on to her "Babe you alive!"

Zayn picked up Camila

"Lets go shes going to get hungry and loose control"

They went into a safer place and placed camila carefully on a bed and started hooking her up to stuff while Lauren just wached from behind

"Lauren" Camila called out as she opend her eyes

"Yes baby? Im right here"

" Is this real?"

The End

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