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Camila has been training for 2 weeks
Lauren ,Zayn, Austin, Normani and Liam have been truing to get in contact with Ally as to what had happend with Camila

"Guys we should probably go visit them again and talk to them" Liam suggested

"We cant do that what makes you think they will believe us?" Lauren said

"They didnt believe us the first time wat makes you think they will the second time"Dinah said

"Ill go talk to them on my own"Lauren said

"What ? Are you crazy? your going to get yourself killed Lauren"

"Zayn I have to try"

"No....They wont believe us so we will have to get more people, there going to want to have war with us and we need to fight back"

"We have to reach out to friends,family and see who will join us"

We heard a knock on the door and Lauren zoomed to the door holding the knob for a while starting at it a while later she opend it but noone was there .Lauren walked around the front but no signs of anyone

"There was noone out there"

"Well tou did take a while there "

"Hey i was nervouse"


"well she is what she eats"Camila yelled

Laurens cheeks were on fire at that comment

"I need some fresh air ill be back in a bit"

Lauren POV

I went out for a walk I felt tierd of just bieng out on the look I mean of course I take care of Camz but sometimes i just wished I had a normal life why did everything have to be complicated O was tierd of hiding i felt like i was trap in that shack
I say down under a tree looking out at the distance In deep thought When i heard steps

"please leave me alone I want some alone time"

I kept hearing the steps so I stand up withought turning to look at the person

"Do you not under-"

I held in my breath and I swear i felt like i had a heart that was pumping hard and fast in my chest as I saw the person who was standing


"Did you miss me?"

"If only you knew"

I walked up to her and hugged her tight as she did the same I started crying and as she stroked my head gently I steped back and gave her a inocent kiss on the lips

"How did you find me Where have you been Lucy!"

"I dont want to talk about it but I came hear to help you.. I heard what you are going threw and about your... new girlfriend"

My eyes widen...CAMILA,

"Oh my god Im fucked up what have I done i didnt mean to .. kiss you, Camila is going to kill me"

"She will understand , but thats not the point, I have people who can help you out"

"I think we should discuss this with everyone"

"What about your girlfriend? Im pretty sure she knows about me?"

"Dont worry..."

But on the inside i was scared, We started walking for a while trying to catch up on what had happend and I honestly started crying again when she told me everything she went through

I opend the door having all eyes on me

"Oh my god babe I was so-"Camila stopped talking when she saw me enter

"Babe why are you crying"Camila started walking twards me but stoped once she saw i wasnt alone

"Camz this is Lucy"

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