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"Hello?!?!" Jade yelled. "I'm hungry!!" Jade yells as she banged on the door.

" shut up!!!!" Alex yelled from the other side of the door.

" when are you going to give me food?" Jade moaned.

" when I feel like it!" Alex yelled.

" and when would that be?" Jade questioned.

"God damn it! I sound like cat always going on about something or other! Ugh!!!!! I just want to get out! I've been in here for 3 days now! Where's beck? I miss him. I miss everyone, even VAGA and I'm quit surprised myself. I would do anything to see my friends. Speaking of them where are they? Where even am I?" Jade said in her head as she stood up and started pacing.  "I'm so bored and is so small in here! I'm super hungry! I could eat a whole cow! There's only one thing that I could do for fun in here! Alex i think that's his name. Well he sits in the other room and there's only a wall separating us both, I can hear him and that and he can hear me.  So I'm going to bug him. as I have nothing else to do."

" what's the time?" I ask.

" time for you to shut up!" Alex replied annoyed.

" why did you pick me?" I question.

" what do you mean?" He asks.

" why did your u choose me to kidnap? Why nobody else?" Jade asked.

"None of your business!" Alex said

" please tell me." Jade begged

Jade waited for him to reply. But he didn't. She sat down again until Alex soon replied.

" because I saw the way you treated your little brother. And I thought that you could be a nice slave for me. When I can trust you and until I can your staying in there." Alex explained.

" I never treat my brother nice. That was the only time." Jade said.

" sure it was." Alex chuckled.

" what do you mean?" Jade asked concerned and worried.

" well why don't I go get your brother. And hurt him. And make him cry and you can't be there to save the day." Alex said with an evil smile.

" I love my little brother so much. I don't show it though, but I know he knows that I love him.  I've been there when my father got drunk and was god knows where and when my mum was working late. I've been the one who raised him. And if he lays a finger on him . I swear to god as soon as I get out of this place I'm going to kill Alex!" I said in my head.


" geez I'm not going to go near him. Calm down and look I've proven my point. You care about you brother." Alex Said proud.

Jade sighed and finally spoke.

" I'm going to sleep I will bug you tomorrow." Jade said as she tried to sleep.

" I look forward to it." Alex said and walked away.

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