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"Mum!!!!" I yelled after I realised who the doctor was, it was Alex. Alex was pretending to be a doctor , and now he's going to cut me open! Help me! I cried.

" jade what's wrong?" Jades mother yelled down the corridor while beck walked up behind her.

" it's Alex! It's Alex!" Jade cried and cried until beck dropped his bottle of water and sandwich and ran over to jade and the doctor.

" hey stop!" Beck yelled as he rugby tackled the doctor to the ground.

" hey man gay you hand off me!" The doctor demanded, and beck suddenly realised it wasn't Alex it was just jades doctor.

" oh, sorry man. I'm just trying to protect jade as much as possible. I'm sorry. I didn't realise it was you." Beck explained.

" it's okay, sometimes these simple things can mess up someone's head, from the situation jade was in." The doctor said as jade just pulled a face as the doctor who was facing beck, and when beck noticed jades face he tried his best not to laugh.

"Okay." Beck said and the doctor turned back around to jade and wheeled her to the surgery rooms.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy these past few days. I've had a concert I was me t to go to but got cancelled, due to Manchester bombing. I hope Ariana and her team will be okay, and hopefully recover soon. And I am sorry for the people who lost there lives and are injured. We can't let evil destroy us. ❤️ it's not your fault ARI! Xxx

Hidden trustTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon