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Jades eyes fluttered open to see a few doctors in the room. And her mother and little brother stood by her bed side.

" mum what's going on?" I asked her as I tried to sit up.

" don't sit up darling, the doctors found out you need to have surgery on your back." Jades mom said with a tear in her eye.

" jadey I missed you!" Jades little brother said as he tightly hugged his big sister.

"OW OW OW!" Jade cried out.

" sorry jadey." Noah said said sadly.

" it's okay just don't put so much pressure on this spot next time." Jade explained while tracing circle from her hip, To her armpit.

" okay." Noah simply replied while the six year old nodded his head.

" mom why do I need surgery?" Jade asked with a weak cough.

" because you landed on your back and tore a muscle out of place, that's why you have so much pain in your back." A doctor said to jade while writing jades info on a clipboard.

"Where's beck?" I asked.

" he's still here, he's just gone to get some food, he will be back in a few minutes." Jades mother said while stroking her hair out her face.

" oh okay." Jade said.

"Jade your so lucky! You have your own television to watch spongebob on!" Noah said in amazement while looking at the flat screen tv.

" you want to watch spongebob?" Jade asked her brother.

" yes please!" Noah begged while jade turned on spongebob.

"Here kido." Jade said in a croaky voice.

" thanks jadey!" Noah said with a huge smile on his face when Patric  star fell over a banana skin.

" hey babe." Beck said as he entered jade's hospital room.

" hey." Jade said back with a smile as beck walked to her side.

" how are you doing?" Beck asked as he picked jade on her luscious pink lips that he adores.

"My head hurts, I'm not aloud to sit up so I have to stare at the ceiling all day long! And I'm hungry! Ugh!" Jade complains and then sighed.

" want me to get you some food?" Beck offers with a smile.

" yes please." Jade answered quickly and politely.

" that's the first time I've heard you say please!" Jades mom says shocked but pleased.

" aha. What do you want?" Beck asked with a chuckle.

" can I have water and a sandwich?" Jade replied as a nurse walks in and places her clipboard on the side desk.

" okay babe be back in a minute." Beck says as he kissed jade on her
Forehead. " bye Noah. Bye mrs west." Beck says as he smiles then walks out the door.

" he seems nice." The nurse said as she injected jade In the arm with a needle and then smiles. " hello little chap what you watching?" The nurse asked Noah.

" spongebob." Noah says not taking his eyes off the scream until the commercial break.

" okay jade try to rest up, because your going in for your operation in half hour." The nurse said and walked out the room.

"Why do I need surgery?" Jade asked agin.

" because you landed on your back and tore a muscle out of place." Jades mother reminded her daughter.

" oh ye." Jade said in pain and she held onto her back. "how longs beck going to be?" Jade asked.

" I don't know." Jades mother said as a doctor walked in.

" you will be taken in for your surgery now." The doctor said as he gathered all the wires and clipboard.

"WAIT! NOW?? I STILL HAVE..." jade said as she paused and looked at the clock on the wall. " I STILL HAVE TWENTY FIVE MINUTES UNTIL I HAVE MY SURGERY!" Jade moaned.

" there is a free slot available now." The doctor said as he wheeled her away to the surgery department.

" help me mum!" Jade cried out as the doctor laughed evilly.

DUHN DUHN DUHN!!!! What's going to happen next? Comment below what you think.

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