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"Jade I'm going to be late home from work tonight." Jades mother said as she grabbed her car keys off the kitchen counter.

"why?" Jade moaned as she coughed a little.

"I have meetings, dinners in the fridge for you and your brother just stick it In" jades mother explained when jade cut her off.

" mum! I know what to do, I won't set the house on fire again, anyways I was 9 at the time." Jade said with a smile as she saw her her little brother walk down the stairs.

" hey sis you feeling better?" Noah asked as he slipped his shoes on.

" sorta." Jade said with a sigh.

" oh that reminds me! Don't forget you medication at lunch! And dinner! And one in an hour." Jades mother said.

" yes mom." Jade said as she rolled her eyes.

" can you do me a big favour and pick up Noah and his friend Zack  from school tonight? I can't because I'm in a meeting.

" by myself?" Jade asked unsure if she was capable of doing such a thing after her operations a few days ago.

" yes if that's not to much to ask." Jades mother said as she and Noah left. " if not ask for help!" She yelled before leaving the house.

"Ugh!" Jade moaned as she grabbed her crutches and slowly made her way to the fridge to get some breakfast.

" what to have what to have?" Jade asked herself as she scanned the fridge for some food to eat.

She grabbed the milk and a bowl from the cupboard next to the fridge, she walked to the other side of the kitchen and grabbed some serials and poured them into the bowl, then grabbed a spoon and dumped it in the down of cold serials. Jade hobbled back to the couch where her wheelchair was, she carefully sat down in the chair and scrunched her face up then  let out a help of pain from her back. She rested her crutches against the was and wheeled into the kitchen to grab her bowl of  serials. Jade grabbed the bowl of serials and placed them on her lap and wheeled back into the front room. Jade placed the food down on the table next to the sofa and sat down on the sofa.

" ugh! Why am I so bored?" Jade asked herself as she stuffed a spoonful of serials on her mouth.

" I will call beck for help later. Seen as tho he has nothing to do either." Jade muttered to herself. " why am I even taking to myself?"  Jade asked herself again and sighed as she dialled on beck's phone number and let it ring till he picked up.

Beck- "hey J what's wrong?" He asked with concern.
Jade- "hey nothings wrong, just calling to ask if you could come pick up my brother and his friend tonight, as my moms working late again."  Jade asked.
Beck- " sure babe. You feeling a bit better?"
Jade- " no not really my backs killing me! And I have a bad head and sore eyes!" Jade complained to beck over the phone.
" just hang on I will be there later. I got to go to class." Beck said.
Jade- " okay bye babe."
Beck- " bye babe." Beck said as he kissed down the phone and hung up.

Jade placed her phone on the side and turned on the tv. Jade finally found something to watch so she stuck it on and enjoyed the peace.


Knock!... knock!... knock!...

Jade suddenly woke up from her sleep hoping it was beck at the door and not Alex. She calmed herself down and yelled enter.
Beck walked in the door and closed it behind him.

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