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There are times when someone can be brave yet fearful at the same time. An expectation and dread pulls at you like a heavy weight.

It's obvious that I feel that exact same way this very moment. There is no place I'd rather be than right here though. I might be sitting in a red Camaro waiting anxiously for word on how the situation at the warehouse is going, but I am right where I want to be.

"I need to ask you something..." From the driver's seat, Garret speaks barely above a whisper.

I turn my head slightly so I can see him, "Yeah, what is it, Garret?"

"It's about Diesel. I know he says he excepts the way he is, but... do you think that-"

I nod, "Yes, I do. Deep down inside him he finds it hard to be a shapeshifter. He may not even realize it himself. It's something he hasn't truly brought out and confronted."

"Diesel claims that it no longer bothers him. He'll tell me he has long since dealt with that conflict, but I have no idea what his solution was." Garret sighs as he stares out the window.

The handheld radio on the dashboard abruptly comes to life, "We're in. All is clear so far."

I stare out the window as if looking for something. We're about a quarter of a mile from the warehouse. This is as close as they would let us come.

All I see are trees, trees, and more trees. An expanse of green. I wish there was a way that I could see what is happening. Being out here surrounded by calm, shaded woods suppresses the fact that an important event is taking place not too far away. I crack my knuckles out of mere nervous habit.

The next voice over the radio is Anada's,"Okay, we've got some hostiles on the floor. I'm staying put."

My heartbeat jumps and I look out the window.

Garret motions for me to settle down, "It's alright. They know what they're doing, Olivia."

"Doesn't help that I still want to be there to know what is up." I respond.

My fingers rapidly tap on the side of the car door. A plan of my own starts to shape together in my mind. The urge to be out there myself is uncontrollable.

The door handle starts to become more taunting by the second. Out of the corner of my eye I see that Garret is staring out his side window, unaware of what I am thinking.

I stay still for a second. Then I immediately make the decsion.

I jerk the door handle. The car door swings out as my feet hit the ground. I go into a full on run. My eyes stay locked straight forward even when I hear Garret shout my name.

I know Garret is only trying to keep me safe. I have to do this, and I fully understand that it is a reckless decision.

Trees and plants pass by me in a green blur. Garret is obviously not pursuing me. The only sound is that of my feet pounding the earth. I don't pay much attention to the fresh air of the woods. My goal is to find Diesel and also Mr.Wilks if possible.

I clench my fist as I push myself to go faster. The quarter mile to the warehouse is more like a simple jog across the schoolyard.

The trees fall back behind me as an ominous warehouse expands before my eyes. I stay low as I sprint over the cracked asphalt. The humid air doesn't help the film of sweat on my brow.

My heart beats heavily, not from extertion but from what will come. I've excepted that my decision will likely have consequences. I was told to not be involded, and here I am getting involved.

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