~Author's Note~

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Dear Readers,

Thank you for keeping up with this story. It took me an entire year to write these chapters. This book isn't the best, but I tried my hardest. Thanks for being faithful throughout each slow update!

Yet again, it's because of you that I'm here today writing this author's note. Thank you for your votes and comments. (Those comments especially.)

Like always, writing and imagining a plotline always gives me a new perspective. It keeps me going some days and allows my imagination to extend. When I'm at work, I'll do nothing but think about ways to try making a story better.

I'm a senior in highschool now. My days of writing started when I was fourteen. Age doesn't limit your writing. I always try encouraging others to write. Social status, your grades, popularity, and wealth don't prove whether you can write or not. Your story is worthy of being written.

If you think that you can't write, then think again. We all start somewhere. As you write your grammar will become better. Practice makes perfect.

Look at me. I make mistakes all the time. I probably made a mistake while writing this author's note. *Does a mental face slap.*

Back to the point. If you're trying to decide to start a book or even give up on the book that you're writing, then don't be discouraged. Right after you finish reading this chapter I want you to begin your book or pick up on that chapter you are having writer's block with. I believe in you!

~Samantha Gettys 😄

(P.S. I almost forgot to mention one thing. Yes, there's a third book. And yes, it will have slow updates. The third book is Part-Time Phoenix. I'll have the first chapter posted on my account, but nothing more. Thank you again for your support!)

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