1. Slenderman *Updated*

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*Updated January 16, 2018*

Origin: Unknown, though it is speculated that he has been around since before Adam and Eve, and has been called different names over time such as "Tree man" and "Tall man" and "The Knight". He is mentioned frequently in Celtic, Romanian, English, Greek, and Brazilian mythology. He is depicted frequently in ancient cave paintings. 

Age: Unknown

Appearance: Tall, thin, wears a suit with long coat tails and has 4-8 tentacles/ tendrils protruding form his back (He can contract these). It is also said that he can produce these from his fingers as well. Pale, no face, red tie. It is said that he can stretch his limbs and torso to inhuman lengths, black dress pants and black shiny dress shoes. 

His real name is a debated one, but one source suggests that it is Charles Edward Lucius Matheson

Some records state that he is Satans brother. That he rose and came to be after Lucifer fell and rose an army of his own. 

Historical References: ~ wolfbit1232 

Brazilian Cave Paintings

The earliest argued reference to the legend is within the cave paintings found in the Serr da Capivara National Park in the Northeast of Brazil, which are believed to date from as far back as 9000 BC. These paintings show a strangely elongated character leading a child by the hand, but make no reference to the extra appendages.

Egyptian Hieroglyphs

The next known possible reference to the Slender Man comes from around 3100 BC in lower Egypt, with references to the "Thief of the Gods" or the "Thief of Kuk" becoming common place during the reign of Pharaoh Wazner. Hieroglyphic carvings representing the Thief were found in the pharaoh's tomb, who was rumored to have had some kind of encounter with the entity. The carvings resemble a strange figure with multiple upper limbs, one that has never been found in any other hieroglyph language.

German Woodcuts

Renowned German woodcutter Hans Freckenberg created at least two woodcuts featuring a character he described as Der Ritter (The Knight) during the mid-sixteenth century that were discovered in Halstberg Castle in 1883.

Whilst Freckenberg was well-known for his realistic depiction of human anatomy - something that was unusual among woodcuts of the time - these pictures featured a skeletal, multi-limbed character.

Historians are unsure of the exact symbolic nature of the character, with some claiming that it is a personification of the religious wars that raged in Europe at the time, while others say it represents the mysterious plagues that have been believed to be the reason for the mysterious abandoning of the Hastlberg Castle and the nearby village in 1543.

However, many insist that Freckenberg was attempting to represent "Der Großmann" (the Tall Man). According to legend, he was a fairy who lived in the Black Forest. Bad children who crept into the woods at night would be relentlessly chased by Der Großmann, who wouldn't leave them be until he either caught them or they were forced to tell their parents of their wrongdoing. Even then, there is a chilling account from an old journal, dating from about 1702:

"My child, my Lars... he is gone. Taken, from his bed. The only thing that we found was a scrap of black clothing. It feels like cotton, but it is softer... thicker. Lars came into my bedroom yesterday, screaming at the top of his lungs that "The angel is outside!" I asked him what he was talking about, and he told me some nonsense fairy story about Der Großmann.

He said he went into the groves by our village and found one of my cows dead, hanging from a tree. I thought nothing of it at first... but now, he is gone. We must find Lars, and my family must leave before we are killed. I am sorry, my son... I should have listened. May God forgive me."

Romanian Mythology

There is also a Romanian fairytale which tells the legend of the Tall Man, featuring this description which may have taken to refer to the Slender Man

"The tall man stood in a clearing, dressed as a nobleman, all in black. Shadows lay over him, dark as a cloudy midnight. He had many arms, all long and boneless as snakes, all sharp as swords, and they writhed like worms on nails. He did not speak, but made his intentions known,"

In the fairytale, the Tall Man causes a mother to kill her husband and child, before he slid from a fireplace and "clenched her in his burning embrace."

English Mythology

There is also an english myth referring to the "Tree Man", whom is said to have a slim body with appendages that looks like tree branches.

He is only known to be seen in the woods and was used as a story that parents told their children to thwart bad behavior. There have been quite a few disappearances of children that have been said to be linked to the "Tree Man".

A running theory I have of him is that he is currently residing in the Japanese forest, "Suicide Forest". 

Its been proven and said that if you are constantly exposed to Slenderman that you will develop the Slender Sickness because of the high and intense amounts of radiation, which means you will hear ringing/ static sounds when he is near, have nausea, headaches, radiation poisoning symtoms, coughing, coughing up blood, etc. and possibly die or develop severe cases of cancer.

He can speak into peoples minds if he wishes. 

He has a daughter, Slenderwomen. Her name is Elizabeth 

He is pansexual, and has both gender blood, meaning he can change his sex at will. 

Human height: 6'4"
Slender height: (lowest recorded) 14'6"

He doesn't have specific targets, but rather, will kill anyone if provoked

He also has connections to police department, etc. and will destroy any and all evidence of his true self and location. 

He, like all other Creepypastas, goes into a state of limbo if extremely enraged, meaning that he will have a face; a long, black jagged mouth, and empty black eyes. 

Something many do not know about him, is the fact that he does not want to be feared, but rather, understood. 

There is only ONE way to summon Slenderman, and it is not available to the public, or the human race. 

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