4. Ticci Toby *Updated*

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Origin: Was born and raised in a fairly normal family. Toby grew up with many disorders, the main ones being depression, anxiety, PTSD, Tourette Syndrome and CIPA. (PTSD rolled around after he and his sister got into a car crash that was fatal for Lyra.) His father was a drunk and very abusive toward Toby, his mother, who abused drugs, and his sister Lyra. After Lyra died though on April 28th, 9:36 pm, things got extremely bad for Toby. He locked himself in his room for weeks on end. He wouldn't eat. Wouldn't speak. Wouldn't sleep. He started to develop anxiety and very severe depression. He tried to kill himself multiple times. With that anxiety his tics and twitches got worse, and he started to chew on his fingers until they bled. Then one night he saw Slenderman and he was never the same. He started hearing voices, and the more Slenderman stalked him, the worse it got. Slenderman stalked him in an attempt to turn him into a Proxy, and slowly does so by giving him strange visual and auditory hallucinations. Toby eventually gives into the voices in his head and violently murders his father. He gave into the voices only because about 2 months or so after his mother hung himself he couldn't take the pain anymore. He snaps and goes out to the shed, grabbed two hatchets, and chopped up his father. Then, he wrapped him up in tinfoil and put the pieces into the freezer. In a desperate attempt to escape the police, he sets the neighborhood on fire as a distraction, but was quickly surrounded by the flames. He was about to give into his inevitable death when the Slenderman saved him as he was about to blackout. When Toby woke up, all his memories of the past were taken by Slenderman and he became a loyal Proxy.

*Actual accident photo*

*Actual accident photo*

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Age: 19

Appearance: Brown hair, beige and tan hoodie with blue hood, orange goggles, blue jeans, black converse, two hatchets, grey and black mouthguard, about 6 feet.

Full name: Toby Andrew Rogers

from North Carolina

His mother was a drug abuser, his father was an alcoholic.

He developed turrets after the death of his sister

Powers: quick- reflexes, quick healing, extremely high jumper
- He can jump over 23 feet (8 meters)

Go-to weapon is the two hatches he has, and old one and a newer one with an orange handle

He is Slenderman's 3rd or second proxy.

He is not obsessed with waffles, like many fangirls/boys like to say.

Toby is more likely to kill without warning. My theory is that he will either talk to his victim first then kill them, or just straight up without hesitation kill them

He smells like burnt toast

He HATES Clockwork. Period.

He HATES Masky because when his sister died, it was Maskys uncle who was driving the cemi.

He likes climbing up onto high places

Toby is the heaviest sleeper in the entire house. This is an adaption he has because of the constant fighting between his parents.

Toby self harms. His arms are covered in scars, cuts, burns, gashes, every imaginable pain, inflicted upon himself. He does it not to feel pain, obviously, but to see his blood. At times, he will think to himself that the blood he's sacrificing will somehow make up for the blood he's spilled from others. He gets very upset that he can't feel pain, and will burn himself, trying to imagine how the pain feels. This is why by the time he's 25, he wears bandages along his arms. They're never fully closed.

Toby's hard to get drunk but when he is he's a giggling mess with no boundaries

Toby whispers to himself when he feels lonely. Even if there is other people in the room, he'll just start whispering to himself if he feels left out or if no one is talking to him. It creeps the others out.


Pre-Incident Toby

Whenever his dad's abuse got too much, he would go out and head to the local bookstore to read or get a coffee. The barista probably knew him and they were pretty tight

He probably had like a therapy animal, like a fluffy old cat named something stereotypical like Whiskers, and he would cuddle him whenever he was sad or would sleep with him at night

He was one of those kids that was obsessed with old music. The Beatles, Pink Floyd, etc. He had posters of them and would dance around to their music in his room when he was happy or listen to their slow, soft songs when he was crying.

He looked up to Lyra. A lot. He wanted to be just like her, because in his eyes, she was the perfect human being. She was the only family member that really loved him. That's why he kinda broke after she died

He would cry in the shower when his dad would fly off the handle and would try to drown out the sounds

When his ticking got too bad, he would close his eyes and kinda shut down as he tried to calm himself

Probably wore old ripped jeans, a baggy sweatshirt, and had messed up hair with big earphones. He probably even had glasses at one time, but he got contacts. He also had braces.

Has a raggedy ass Barney blanket from when he was like five and sleeps with it religiously

Toby Now

After he killed his dad, he actually almost killed himself, but decided against it.

When he's all alone, he cuts himself because he can't feel pain. A few of the others found out, and now they check his wrists whenever he has his sleeves rolled up. Just to be sure.

He still has that old ass Barney blanket

He's probably closest to Hoodie out of everyone. Just because they're both kinda messed up and don't like to talk as much as the others

He actually hates waffles

He still listens to those old bands to drown out the sounds of the mansion (which is old and dirty, not fabulous like everyone says it is)

He cries a lot.

He doesn't know why he's still at the mansion, but he now can't see himself anywhere else.


He has a rare ability, and that is his voice. He can lure and hypnotize people with it.

He is possibly a creepypasta because of his abilities^^ but that is unclear.

He goes out more that the other creepypastas and proxies, as he is more blendable.

He is still very very active to this day, so watch out

**If you have anymore information on him let me know and I'll put it in

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