10. Jason The Toymaker

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*A/N: Changed my mind, I'm re-starting this* 

Origin: Jason was a boy with parents who were extremely strict. They never even allowed toys in his house. Jason however, had a knack for building little toy figures out of sticks at school, and hid them in the ground. He was kind of an outcast at school, so when a girl came up to him, talked to him, befriended him, he was of extreme surprise. Jason was- and still is- an extremely possessive person, so whenever his new friend would talk to any one besides him, little "Accidents" would happen to them so that they'd no longer want to talk to his friend. For years it went on like this, and soon, after he'd turned 18, he opened a toy shop. His parents kicked him out of the house once he told them, and from then on he lived there. His friend visited him at the toy store everyday, and was proud of his accomplishments. Jason hated kids though, but ironically enough loved making toys. One day though, it was closing time. A little girl came along and wouldn't stop yelling for a toy from him. Jason became angry with the child and ended up killing her. Jason felt so guilty for it, and then his friend came along for her nightly visit. Jason had tried to explain what happened, but she wouldn't listen. Then Jason confessed everything he'd done to all of her friends from school so that he was her only friend, and thats when she ran away. Jason created a small music box and, inside, was a voodoo doll of himself. Her went to his friends house to give it to her, but she rejected him. With that, Jasons' last bit of humanity died inside, and he became who he is today. 

Age: Unknown, though rumored to be around 23-25

Appearance: White dress shirt, tan tailed vest with gold chains hanging from the shoulders, grey pants, black boots with red stripe, tool belt, small armband on left arm for tools, red hair (turns stark white when angry) amber colored eyes (bright green when angry) black three pointed star-ish pattern below left eye and neck. Roughly 6 feet. 

He is VERY possessive, if he has interest in you he will try anything in his power to get your primary focus on anyone to be in him. 

He mostly preys on people 18 and under, though he primarily focuses on 12 and under children. 

He is Heterosexual. 

He is not interested in anyone right now relationship wise. 

To kill him, you'd have to find to doll inside the music box and burn it. (The box is fireproof, so just lighting Jason himself on fire won't work since the box resides in his chest cavity). 

His closest ally is Nathen the Nobody and The Dollmaker. 

Laughing Jack and Jason the Toy maker are Frienemies. They get along great when their victims aren't involved, so they tend to stay away from each other's hunting ground, but every once in a while they'll get together along with the Puppeteer and talk about their latest kills.

He looks very, very different in casual clothing. He's too normal and it freaks everyone the fuck out, so watch out. 

Jason the Toymaker and how he "Loves" 
(I say "loves" bc well he's got no humanity) 

- when he falls for you its when he sees you walking in the rain with a smile. He hardly sees that in anyone, someone who likes the rain like him.

-he starts to see you more and more but you dont know he's there. He likes to observe, to learn.

-he likes to make dolls of you but they're never enough. Never what he NEEDS.

-your eyes make him intoxicated, your voice when you sing soothes him, your lips make him crave you and your body is one of a true god/Goddess

- prepare for worship because this man is nutsycoocoo for you. Bends over backwards for you and more

-likes to dress you up and make you his own little doll, make up, brushing your hair, Doing your nails and all that!

-piss him off and he'll punish you severely. Cuts and scars are sure to last.

How To Get unnoticed

There are about four ways to do this, and they're each kinda simple. 

1. Get a boyfriend/ girlfriend/ significant other.

Because Jason is so possessive, it is less likely that he will go after someone who is taken by another since he doesn't want there to be a competition. 

2. Be a dick. 

This is probably one that will get you in trouble, but this is one of the ways to be unattractive to Jason. He hates it when people show blatant disrespect for those around them since that's one of the things he's about. 

3. Wear a charm that pushes his energies away from yours.

In doing this, it's sorta like making you invisible to him. No, you wont be completely invisible from him, but it will block any and all energies from him or you from reaching each other. Here's a list of said charms: 

These are basic protection crystals/ stones

- Fire Agate, Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated Quartz, Jet Stone, Black Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Amethyst, Fluorite, Jasper.

-Black Tourmaline, which wards off negative energy, and Rose Quartz, which replaces negative feelings with positive ones. Also, just about any dark-colored or black stone will repel or dissolve any negative energy (use these if you feel he is after you as prey)

There are currently no known specific crystals that will ward him off, so do not bank on these to completely save yourself from him

4. Ignore him

Jason HATES to be ignored by someone he's obsessing over, so this can go in either one of two ways: He leaves you alone, or he kills you cause you pissed him off. 

His real name is Jason Meyer

**If there is more you know on Jason, please let me know

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