Chapter 1

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Emma sighed as she pulled on the lose jeans and her baggy t shirt, effectively hiding her body. Emma wasn't fat, actually she was quite the opposite, but she did not want to attract any male attention, so she did this everyday, hiding who she really was to protect herself. Emma walked into the bathroom and washed away the last traces of make up, satisfied she would not attract attention at school she grabbed her bag and headed to the kitchen.

"Oh Emma, you look awful! Why can't you dress like you do outside of school?" Mom said glancing at my outfit. My mom was the popular cheerleader in school and she wanted me to be just like her. She was slightly shallow, but if you dug deep you could find she actually had a heart.

"Mom you know why I dress like this, no distractions remember?" I sighed and grabbed an apple off the counter.

As I walked out I waved goodbye to my mom and hopped in my jetta.

When I arrived at school things went as normal everyone had their group of friends, and I was ignored.

I just grabbed my books and fled to my class, sitting in the back, alone, like always.

I sighed and glanced at the clock, Hurry Up!!! The bell to free me was taking forever!

I patience doodled on my note book as the teacher drawled on about some boring math problem, but I couldn't pay attention, I was to busy thinking about everything else.


YES freedom! I rushed out of my seat and ran for the door, my things in my arms.  I practically ran down the hall and quickly opened my locker. Dropping my stuff in and packing my bag with homework.

"In a hurry?" the sickly sweet voice of the number one queen bitch.... I mean bee......not really, attacked my ears. As much as I wanted to fight back that would just bow my cover.

I nodded weakly and continued to pack my bag.

"What does a little geek like you have to rush for anyways? You have no boyfriend, and no one would want anyone as fat and ugly as you." She sneered

I just rolled my eyes and pushed past her.

"What? Got nothing to say because you know it’s true?" She stated laughing.

"No, I have nothing to say because I know it’s a fallacy, and FYI fallacy means lie." I practically growled out before walking away leaving a shocked Ashley and a laughing student body.

I sighed and hopped in my jetta and drove the four hour drive to Denver Colorado. I pulled into the lot at the gym of the world famous Denver Wolves (I couldn't help myself) gymnastic team.

I grabbed my bag and ran into the gym, we had earlier practice today and I was a little late because of the drive.

Once I reached the locker room I practically threw off the baggy clothes and pulled on my practice uniform.

I love gymnastics and dancing, I competed in both. Why, you may ask, didn't I join the school's team? Because they suck, and the captain is none other then the devil herself, Ashley.

I used to practice in a public gym, and once did an open house demonstration and after Kelly (the wolves coach) came and offered me a spot on their team.

I ran out and tried to be discrete but Kelly noticed me anyways.

"Look who decided to show!" she exclaimed with a hint of humor in her eyes.

"Well I finally decided you are worthy of my presence." I joked back.

We laughed and she went back to talking about what each of us was focusing on today. I zoned out until I heard my name.

"Emma you’re on the beam." Kelly read off her notes. I nodded and waited until she dismissed us to practice.

“You will work for half an hour and rotate when you hear the whistle. Ready, Go!"

When she said that we all ran to our stations, I got to the balance beam and mounted without the spring. I soon got lost in my routine. Soon the whistle was blown and I headed to the bars and grabbed on and yet again lost myself, my mind on nothing but what I was doing and what I needed to do next.

Soon practice was over and we were walking to the locker rooms.

"So Em, are you coming to the pep rally at our school on Monday? It’s for the gymnastic team, and since you are on it you should come!" Bree said smiling.

"Yeah Em, please come, you have to!" Kacey Exclaimed and started jumping up and down.

"I don't know guys, I can't just skip school."

"I will come to your school and kidnap your butt, you are coming one way or another. So what’s it going to be the easy way or the hard way?" Bree said, dead serious.

"Fine I’ll come." I said laughing at bree's face.

"YAY!!!" Kacey smiled and hugged me.

I laughed at my crazy friends and we walked into the locker room showered and changed laughing and joking the whole time.

"Bye guys!" I called out and waved as I hopped in my jetta and drove back to Salida. I drove through the town and stopped at my dance gym (forgot what they are called. -.-) and grabbed my bag.

I walked in and up to Janin. "Hey Janin, is it all ready/" I asked smiling at her

"Yep sweet heart the last person left an hour ago." she smiled at me.

"Thanks!" I called over my shoulder as I walked in to the dance room. I didn't need to stretch because I just got done with gymnastics. So I plugged in my I-pod and started my routine, flowing with the music. I felt the music and let it run through me and I channeled it out into graceful elegant moves. When the song was done and I ended my routine some one started clapping.

I jumped up and looked at the infiltrator. It was a guy who I had never seen before, but he definitely wasn't out of high school yet.

"Who are you and why are you here!?!" I exclaimed “This is supposed to be private!"

He just smiled at me and held his hands up in a truce. "My aunt owns this place, I just moved in with her and I didn't know you were here, sorry."

I just sighed and started packing up.

"Wait no, don't leave because of me; that was amazing!" he stated quickly.

I narrowed my eyes at him and scoffed "no it's fine, I was done anyways."

"Please, stay a little longer." He begged, he seemed lonely.

I sighed and grabbed my now packed bag and turned to him. "I can't, I have to go."

"Dance with me." he said and his eyes lit up in hope.

I sighed knowing I was close to giving up, but this certainly was a distraction, and I can't have any of that.

"Sorry." I half heartedly apologized and ran out the door, waving a quick goodbye to Janin.

When I got home I made myself a salad and started on my homework. Soon I could barley keep my eyes open and I washed out my bowl and headed straight for bed. As I cuddled into my warm and comfy bed I smiled knowing that tomorrow was Friday, and it was almost the weekend.


Sorry for any errors.

This is all fiction, I don’t live in Colorado (sadly) and I don't do gymnastics.

So sorry for all you gymnastic fans if I get something wrong, please feel free to correct me, but do it in a nice way please.

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