Chapter 6

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Sky stared at Ryder who squatted in front of her with a look of bewilderment in his eyes. She held in another outburst as he stood up silently, placing the tray with quite expensive equipment she had knocked over on accident while trying to move her legs over her bed back onto its stand next to her gurney. The whole task had been a real struggle. Her entire body felt weightless and her casted arm was throbbing. Nothing else matter though now except that she see her son. Not even Ryder would stop her.
"Do you know where he is?"
"Yes," Ryder answered.
"Can I see him?"
"No, not yet."
"Why not?" She pushed herself to her feet, leaning heavier on her less injured side.
"Because," Ryder gazed down at her, a serious expression forming now on his chiseled face,"you're not allowed to."
"I'm his mother! Of course I can see him! You can't stop me. If I have to hobbled all around this hospital in search of my boy because no one will tell me anything, then I will!"
She glared harshly at Ryder, hoping he would squirm some. His gaze never shifted. She couldn't stand here anymore! She needed to find her son.
She took a step forward, but Ryder didn't move away to let her pass.
"Move please."
She glanced  back up at him, surprised by his stony tone.
"I said, move."
"And I said no," Ryder stuck his hands in his jean pockets, unwavering.
"You need to be in bed. You're still recovering."
"And you need to get out of my way!"
She took another step forward, but still, Ryder stayed put. Inches now separated them.
"Sky," He dropped his voice to a gentle rumble then.
"Please, get back in bed."
"I- I need to see Jake."
Her strength began to waver. All she could picture was Jake's battered body, bloodied and bruised. Was he scared, not knowing where he was? Was he crying for her at this very moment? Or worse, was he ...dead?
With that final thought in mind, Sky's full resolve broke and she felt herself begin to collapse.
A steel arm gripped around her waist and held her tightly.
"You're going back to bed, right now."
Before she could stop him, she was being gently scooped up into Ryder's arms and placed back onto her gurney. The tears erupted then.
"Jake!Oh my precious Jake! I just want to see him. I just want to know, is he okay? Is he hurting? Is he even alive?! I can't stand the thought of him being alone and away from me, frightened. He needs me Ryder! I need him too! I want my little boy!"
Ryder pulled up a fold out chair beside her bed and slowly slid her hand in his.
"He's alive."
"Thank God," she cried out,"but how is he?"
She couldn't stop the tears running down her face, but it didn't matter anymore. She just wanted Jake. She couldn't see Ryder's face clearly, but she could her his words crystal clear.
"He's...not doing so well. I'm not suppose to be the one to tell you this. Jake's a coma. He had serious damage done to his spinal cord. He's just come out of surgery and is now in the I.C.U. He- he probably will never walk again."
A loud cry escaped from her and the tears became a flood. This could not be happening, not to her sweet, loving Jake.
But, it was. And she had no power to change it.
"Sky, I'm-I'm so sorry."
Ryder's voice cracked and she realized he was begin to cry as well. There, in that empty hospital room, Sky and Ryder wept together over Jake, sharing a deep connection somehow. But that was exactly what she needed right now: someone to weep with.
Ryder stared at the woman sleeping in a hospital bed in front of him, their hands still intertwined. Sky had cried and cried and cried. It was like the flood gates of her anguish had been opened up and he had been the only thing she could hold on to while the waters of life raged higher and higher. He hadn't left her. He just couldn't. She had taken a piece of his heart through her episode and he believed he would never have it back. Now, he couldn't stop looking at her. He wanted to protect her, to be her shoulder to cry on. He wanted to wipe all her tears away, bring back her gorgeous smile. He wanted to really get to know her, on a personal level. What made her happy? What kept her up late at night or gave her the giggles? How could he really comfort her through this struggle? All these and more thoughts passed through his mind as he gaze down at their clasping hands. 
"Lord, please help me."
His phone began to buzz, arousing Sky from her slumber. He removed his hand from under hers and placed it on her shoulder.
"Hey, I'll be right back. I need to take this. You go back to sleep, alright?"
A faint nod was his only response from her. He stood up and stretched then picked up his phone.
"Hello Ryder," his mother's soft voice brought a smile to his face.
"Wendy told me you were going through something at work. Is there anything I can do for you?"
His smile faltered some. He opened Sky's door and stepped out into the quiet hallway. Leaning back against the now closed door, he let out a sigh.
"Wendy has a big mouth. Nothing is wrong with me, I'm just concerned about... a friend of mine who got in a serious car wreck today."
"Oh dear. Is he alright?"
A sheepish grin played on his lips.
"Well, first of all, he is a she. Sky was hit by a U-Haul truck. Her son was in the backseat and received most of the damage from the impact. She isn't that bad off, just has a broken arm and a couple of bruises. Jake on the other outcome looks good right now for him."
Silence filled the other line.
"I'm still here. I'm just thinking. I'll be praying for this Jake boy, and your new lady friend."
"Sky. Her name's Sky."
"I'll write them down right now."
A minute later, his mother came back onto the line.
"So, how long have you known this woman?"
He rolled his eyes, grinning still. His mother's tone had changed from worried to curious. She and Wendy were always trying to figure out things about his personal life, which he didn't really care much about. They were also always trying to get him to go out more, meet people, date, things like that. But he always told them no. For some reason though, he wanted to tell his mom about Sky. So, he did.
"Sky Evergreen is her full name. I met her and her son Jake at the park a couple of weeks ago. She accidentally left her purse on a park bench and I followed her to a diner and returned it to her. She confessed that she was a widow to me after I addressed her as Mrs. Evergreen. After that she left and I didn't see her for a while until today when I responded to her 911 call. I didn't know it was her. I was...pretty terrified when I saw her in her smashed car. Her son looked worse then her. I'm standing outside of her room now, just wondering how I can help her. She's just so vulnerable and worried about her son. I can't leave her now, not when she needs someone by her side."
He pushed his fears back, not wanting to revel just how concerned he was about Sky to his mom.
"She sounds like she could use a friend right now. Maybe we could meet her soon. Would we be able to visit?"
He almost laughed aloud.
"Yes, you could. But don't get any ideas mom."
"What do you mean?"
He could practicality hear the smirk in his mother's voice.
"You know exactly what I mean. You and Wendy are always trying to hook me up. Don't think I don't see right through your 'innocent visit' trick. You're up to no good, so you might as well drop it now."
His mother chuckled.
"What ever you say honey. I have to go, your dad's waiting for me at uncle Sam's house. He said he's caught a giant bass while he was fishing with his brother today. Bye Ryder, love you."
"Love you too mom. Don't forget about what I said. Try one thing and you're gone."
"Of course."
He shook his head at her obvious sarcasm. Leave it to his mom to get him into an awkward situation. Especially when it came to women.
Ryder lightly opened Sky's door and entered in once more. He made his way over to his fold out chair and sat back down.
"You don't have to stay here."
Sky's sleepy voice surprised him. Had she heard his conversation with his mother? He hoped not.
"Would you like me to leave?" He responded softly.
"Well, no and yes. If you have something to do, I don't wanna get you in trouble. No because...because you're good company. I don't think I could do this by myself. Jake though...he's all alone."
"Good company huh? I love a good compliment."
He rubbed his chin and pulled one of his cocky grins for her. His attempt to cheer her up worked. Sky's laughter filled the silence in the next moment.
"You're welcome."
"I don't have anything that I need to be doing, so I'm free right now."
"Okay then."
Sky's smile slowly faded away and Ryder missed it immediately.
"I realize now to not be on your bad side. I was pretty worried earlier that you were gonna barrel through me just to leave your room."
A shy smile appeared on Sky's now flushed face.
"You know I couldn't have gotten past you. You're three times stronger than me by far."
"I don't know," he slouched back in his chair, pretending to ponder deeply.
Once again she laughed, filling him up with joy. Her laughter alone could lighten the weigh that now lodged in his heart.
"You're try to distract me, aren't you?"
She stared at him with a look of curiosity.
"Yes. Is it working?" He stared back, hoping to get another smile from her.
She chuckled lightly, shaking her head as she did.
"Well, at least you're honest."
"I wouldn't be anything but honest with you."
Sky stopped laughing. Gazing into his eyes, she tilted her head slightly to the right, contemplating on his statement, then answering back.
"Thank you. It means a lot."

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