Chapter 17

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There, she admitted it. She could trust people. It was just the actual them staying around part she had trouble believing in. Everyone she had known in her past was gone. None had cared enough to stay. At first, it really had been hard for her. But, eventually, she had learn to live like this, only relying on God and not some one else, to help her through anything. Of course, her faith hadn't always been the strongest. There were obviously times when it wavered, but when those times did come, she had always pulled through at the end.
Now, this wonderful man literally sent from heaven above, Ryder Clinton, was asking her to trust him that he would stay? Through the good? Through the bad? Even through the ugly? There was just no possible way the he would. It would be very hard to see him go, that's for sure. 
Ryder still stood directly in front of her, waiting perhaps. She didn't know what for. She had confessed to him her biggest challenge in life when it came to people. What more did he want?
"Okay," Ryder finally spoke up, nodding his head for some unknown reason,"alright."
He took a step back, giving her more breathing room.
Why hadn't she done it herself, move away from him?
Cause you like him being close, you like the comfort he provides, her heart cheered.
It isn't good to get attached to some one who will, in the end, leave you, her mind stated.
When would this war end?
She watched Ryder curiously as he put a hand on his stubbly chin. He worked his jaw, pondering something deeply.
He looked good. No, great.
You find him very attractive, her heart whispered.
You shouldn't even be ogling at him, her brain declared.
Why, oh why was this happening to her?
Simple, cause Ryder had already somehow found a place in her lonely life.
"We'll just have to work on that then," He said, dropping his hand back to his side. He then smiled mischievously at her.
His smile totally enhances his chiseled features by far, her heart sang.
Again, you should not be gawking at him, her mind spat.
This really needed to stop.
As if God himself had heard her, a knock sounded at Jake's door and a doctor entered into the room. He had to have been past his fifties, the gray hair and deeply set wrinkles on his face evidence enough. He glanced at both of them, fixing his stack of papers in his arms. He smiled calmly first, then spoke.
"I'm assuming you are Miss Evergreen?"
"Yes,"She answered quickly, ready to hear exactly what he had to tell her about Jake.
"I'm Doctor Nickel. I have to say miss Evergreen, you son is definitely a fighter. All the test stated he would never be able to wake up again from his coma. It had even been said that he wasn't even suppose to make it through his surgery. But, luckily, he arrived here just on time. Our team worked viciously, setting everything back into its place."
Dr. Nickel made his way over to Jake's bedside and pointed with his blue capped pen to her son's face.
"As you can see, we had to shift some of his face back to its correct spot. His stitches will be taken out after all has healed."
He glanced at her to make sure she was keeping track with him, then continued.
"As for his neck injury, it can't be stated how long it may take to heal. Maybe a couple of months, maybe a couple of years. The most important thing to do for the best recovery possible is to make sure he doesn't move his neck at all until it is nicely healed. Wouldn't want him to brake it again, now would we?"
Sky suddenly began to feel the world weigh on her shoulders. How serious was her son really hurt?
Ryder came to stand beside her, taking her hand in his.
He really would be good to you, why don't you just let him in, her heart pleaded.
Just let go of his hand for crying out loud! You're a grown woman! You don't need his help, her brain scolded.
"Jake's major spinal injury has been classified as incomplete, meaning he still has some motor and sensory functions throughout his body. This is a good thing, obviously. His spinal cord injury has been declared as paraplegia, meaning it has affected all of his trunk, legs, and maybe even some of his pelvic organs. That one, we won't know for sure until later.
His spinal cord injury may result in loss of all movement in affected areas, loss of sensation, including the ability to feel heat, cold, and touch, loss of bowel or bladder control, spasms, and even pain or an intense stinging sometimes caused by the damage to some of his nerve fibers in his spinal cord."
More and more invisible weight began to pile onto Sky, now knowing all this could potentially happen or even was already happening to her son, inflicted more pain on her. How much could her weak heart handle?
"Like I said before," Dr. Nickel tucked his pen into his white coat's pocket,"we can't really tell you at this point how long it will take for your boy to heal. But, I will tell you this, the time between injury and treatment can be critical in determining the extent of complications and the amount of recovery, and I have to say, I think we got to him just in the nick of time. I predict though that his recovery should go smoothly, as long as he does everything we tell him to do and you do to. Now, do you have any questions for me so far?"
She shook her head, unable to speak. All this...happened and was happening to her son? Her son? She still couldn't fully believe it. What if this was all really just a dream? She wanted to wake up at this moment if that was the case. Right now.
"Alright then,"the doctor started up once more.
"Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about treatment and rehabilitation."
He explained to her about Gait training, a type of physical therapy that helps someone improve their ability to stand and walk after a serious injury has taken place.
"Gait training often includes machines that help the patient walk safely. Our exercise program here will include personal human assistant, this meaning he will have a nurse with him everyday until he is deemed able to do things himself again."
"Now,"he gave her a serious look,"gait training can be hard work. Walking alone is a cardiovascular exercise, one that helps keep your heart and even your lungs strong. Since your son has been immobilized for some time now, this process of relearning to walk may be physically and mentally challenging for him. But, I believe with hard work and determination, he can do it. Any other injuries on him will heal up relatively quick. Once those do, I feel we will be able to start his therapy and training immediately."
Sky wanted to just sit down and try to relax her tired body. But there would be no relaxation for her. He son was gonna be okay, that was great news. But other than that, everything was a mess.
She had no car. She had no house. For crying out loud, she wouldn't even be able to pay for all this stuff that Jake was gonna need to reciprocate! A brick wall had been built around her and she could find no way out.
"Will that be all then, Doctor Nickel?"Ryder asked, bringing her back to earth. He did that to her, centered her. Made her racing thoughts pause and focus on the task at hand.
He would stay, he heart chimed.
He would leave, her mind assured.
"Well, Technician Clinton, I'll be back in a few minutes actually to hand over all the medication Jake will be advised to use to numb some of his pain. He is awake and his monitors have been fine for the last few hours, so I'd say he has a clean bill of health. If you'd like to take him home now you could, but I would suggest keeping him here, just in case anything may happens to him later on that we could fix. It's your choice, miss Evergreen. Whatever you'd like, we'll do."
She didn't believe she could do anything right at this point. All seemed bleak. She wished things could just go back to how they use to be. Before being kicked out of her apartment, before the accident, before even meeting Ryder. Just back when everything was...alright.
As a result of her not speaking up, Doctor Nickel excused himself from the room and headed off to get her son's new medication.
"Well,"Ryder turned his body to face her's, gazing intently at her,"that's that."
"Why can't time just stall, just for a second?"
Sky covered her face with her hands, blocking out everything.
"This is all coming too fast for me,"she mumbled.
"I'm just so tired."
"Come here."
Sky tensed as Ryder's steel arms wrap around her, offering peace and comfort, nothing more. She continued to cover her eyes, now too scared to open them, to gaze into Ryder's alluring eyes.
He would stay, her heart repeated.
He would leave, her mind concluded.
She would collapse either way. So, why not take the chance?
"Ryder, I-"
"You don't have to say anything. Scratch that. Don't say a word at all. Relax. I've got you now."
What a wonderful thing to imagine, rest. She wanted it. She needed it. So, why not reach our and grab hold of it? Really, Why not?
Simple: If she reached out and grabbed hold of that rest, it would come with a side order of Ryder Clinton. And...and she was too afraid of trusting him then potentially losing him.
He would stay, her heart pleaded.
He would leave, her mind shuttered.
No, that had been her. She had started to shake uncontrollably. All because of the man who held her gently at this moment.
"It's okay Sky. It's gonna be just fine," Ryder whispered softly in her ear.
She was going to break down, right here, right now. One more strand and her body would crumble.
Really, why not take the chance?

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