Chapter 19

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"Are you all right miss?"
Sky jerked her head up from her face down position on the sink and looked in the mirror ahead to see a little girl, maybe around 7 years old, staring at her from an open stall behind her. She had tight blonde pig tails, splotches of freckles on her cheeks, and a flowing green summer dress. Her emerald eyes gazed at her with curiosity.
"Yes,"She responded, trying to give the little girl a smile. She miserably failed when her eyes began to water up again.
"Then why are you crying?" The little girl asked, making her way over to her, standing now directly in front of her. She turned on the sink and proceeded to wash her hands.
"I'm just...just a little sad, that's all."
"Well, you shouldn't be sad miss," the girl replied, reaching up and ripping out a towel from the dispense machine.
She tossed the wet napkin in the trash, then faced her again with a crooked smile.
"You should be happy!"
Sky couldn't help but smile back. This girl was just a bit older then Jake. She could have easily been Jake's older sister.
"I want to be happy, but my little boy is hurt."
She didn't know why she was confessing this to a mer child, but she had a small feeling she could trust this girl. Anyways, what could she do to change anything?
"My mommy use to be hurt too, real bad,"the girl said.
"She use to always say that Jesus would help her feel better. She died a couple of days later. I'll never forget what she told me the last day I saw her. She said,'Emma, Jesus will never leave you. He will always be there for you. Sometimes, bad things will happen to you, things that you can't do anything about. But, that doesn't mean you have to be sad. No, you should always be happy, always! Trust that Jesus will help you feel happy and move on to bigger, more exciting things. If Jesus is with us, then what do we have to be scared about?"
The little girl's words hit Sky like a bag of bricks. They were so simple, true. When had all this stuff blurred her vision to see the obvious? She knew all of this. She knew! Knew that God was here. Knew He would stay, really stay. Knew He wanted her to be happy. She had somehow forgotten though.
But, like an angel come down from heaven above, this child had reminded her of all she had hoped and trusted in to begin with.
A smile formed on Sky's lips. One of true happiness. One that had been gone for far too long. But now, it was here, and here to stay.
"Thank you,"Sky said,"I'm feeling much better now. Your mother sounds like she must have been a great woman."
"She was the best."
Emma grinned one more time at her before turning around and skipping out of the bathroom.
Sky faced the mirror.
"Lord, it's been really tough these last couple of days," She mumbled, letting out a deep sigh,"but, thank you. Thank you for staying by my side through it. Thank you for loving me even though I'm a very forgetful child. Thank you for letting Jake wake up. I'm so thankful he's still here with me. And...and thank you for allowing me the chance to meet and really get to know Ryder. He's been a big help. A really, really big help. A really, really great...friend."
Sky's thoughts drifted to the all different moments when Ryder had help her.
"When he took the time to make sure Jake was okay after he fell the first time we met. When he returned my wallet, even though he could have taken it or simply left it. When he saved us from our burning car, our dungeon. All the times he's stayed with me when I broke down, even after I yelled at him and kicked his hand."
Strangely, as all the memories of Ryder filled her mind, she found herself laughing. She really had put him through a lot. And...even after all that, he had stayed. He had still taken time out of his day to visit her and even go with her to see her son when she had been too scared to go see him herself. He had gone with her to her apartment when he could have just left her to figure things out herself. He had taken down that creep Peter West and found her and Jake a place to stay. He was literally still here, right at this moment, waiting for her to return after she had bolted from his inviting and very enticing embrace!
Her cheeks burned at the thought of his compliment. It hadn't been extreme , but still, she was scared to admit to him that she had feelings for him. She was terrified to even acknowledge it to herself! Just the mer thought of it made her want to hide.
"Jesus wants you to be happy."
Emma's simple proclamation came back to her.
Was she not happy? Did she need to take the child's advice and let go, allow herself to peruse her strong emotions for Ryder Clinton? She didn't know.
"Any clues, Lord?"
She glanced skywards, taking in a soothing breath. Whatever happened, she just need to remember that God would be with her through it all. Always.
Wendy's thrilled call made Sky spin around instantly to the bathroom doors.
"Wendy? What is it?"
She watched as Wendy approached her calmly.
"Nothing much. Just needed to make sure you were alright, that's all. Mom's in the cafeteria getting something to snack on. She would be here too if not for her hunger."
"Oh,"Sky smiled at her light hearted friend.
"Well, I can assure you, I'm alright now."
"Wonderful!" Wendy clapped her hands.
"So, tell me Sky, what are we going to do with the situation at hand? Your situation with my patient brother to be specific."
"What situation?"
Sky tried her best to fake cluelessness.
"Your mask won't work. I know for a fact you have a soft spot for Ryder. It's a two way attraction, darling."
"Whatever you say."
She took a step towards the exit.
"Wait!" Wendy slung an arm around her shoulders, a pleasant smirk on her lips.
"Let's just say then that you don't like my brother. What are you going to do about him being completely taken with you? Me and mom could always give you some pointers."
Wendy wiggled her eyebrows at her, sending her into a fit of laughter. This woman was crazy, a real jokester. Just what she needed to lift her mending spirt.
"Please, spare me your pointers."
Sky started towards her son's room.
"I won't be needing them."
"Oh, I see," Wendy stepped in sink beside her.
"You already have a plan made up, huh? Prepared, I like that."
"Darlings! There you are!"
Ella sauntered lightly down towards them from behind.
"Mother, it looks like we won't be needing to give Sky any tips or pointers after all. She's already got it covered."
"Excellent,"Ella took Sky's hand in hers, ushering her to begin walking again with a soft tug,"just what my son needs, a methodical woman."
Sky couldn't hide her blush or small smile as they continued to speak about her and Ryder. They really were good for the soul.
"I bet he's pacing around like a love sick man in that room, just waiting for you to come back,"Wendy whispered in her ear, a hint of playfulness in her bright voice.
"Definitely,"she responded back, rolling her eyes at her, unable to quell the flutter in her stomach at the thought of Ryder waiting for her at this moment in her son's room. She had dashed out on him a couple of minutes ago. Would she repeat her actions as soon as she laid eyes on him? She prayed not.
"Sweetie, there's noting to be worried about."
Ella patted her back softly, continuing to stare ahead.
There was every reason to be worried right now! God was here, she knew that for sure now, just had been reaffirmed of it, but...Ryder and his too caring self was a completely different matter.
Jesus wants you to be happy.
She was happy though! Right?
"He's as nervous as you are too. You should have seen how crushed he looked after you ran from him."
Okay, that didn't help her raging thoughts at all. She had hurt him by fleeing? Of course she had! He had been so close to getting her to open up, really open up, to him and she had turn tail and ran from him. What a courageous woman she was.
"Crushed?" She muttered, unable to meet either of their glances.
"Yes, doll. He was heartbroken. Looked like a lost puppy when we barged in,"Ella spoke next to her, letting out a pitiful sigh.
"Here's the thing,"Wendy leaned forward to look her in the eyes since she was staring at the ground.
"I think both of you like each other a lot. One of you wants the other to let go and lean on them, to really trust them with their heart. But the other, you, are afraid of the unforeseen future. You want the love he can offer, the hope and peace he can give, don't you?"
She didn't dare respond, still too mixed up inside to be sure.
"I think you do."
Wendy halted her steps and squatted down in front of her, completely gazing up into her eyes now.
"Sky, God sometimes let's bad things happen to allow good things to manifest through them. For some odd reason, you can't see that Ryder is the absolute one for you yet. But Sky, how are you gonna ever know if you don't take a step of faith and grab ahold of what God is trying to bless you with? Who God is trying to bless you with?"
Sky stared back down at Wendy, unable to respond to the truths she was giving her.
There it was, the impossible question again. How would she know? Why not take the chance?
Jesus wants you to be happy.
If Jesus was with her, then really, what did she have to worried about?

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