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8 months later

"Momma! Mrs. Ella just told me that Mrs. Wendy is gonna have a baby!"
Sky rose from her slumber on the couch, grinning when she saw her beautiful son wheeling himself into the living room.
"She told you what cowboy?"
Jake stopped his wheelchair in front of her, leaning forward to give her a hug. She wrapped her arms around him, breathing in his boyish scent. Except, his scent was not the one that reached her nose. It was Ryder's that whiffed off his curls.
"Have you been using Ryder's shampoo?" Sky looked at her now embarrassed son in the eyes.
"He said I could,"Jake whispered, playing with his fingers.
She couldn't stop the laughter that escaped from her as he glanced up at her.
"I was just wondering. You're not getting in trouble."
Jake's trade mark grin appeared on his now healed face.
"Now what all this about Wendy having a baby?"
Jake was about to respond when Ella came rushing in from the kitchen.
"Oh Sky darling! You're awake!"
Sky grinned softly at Ella as she made her way over to the couch. She took a seat next to her, wiping her flour covered hand on her peach colored apron.
"Jake, you rascal, it was supposed to be a surprise," Ella huffed, ruffling her son's head as she scolded him, receiving a fit of giggles from him.
"So, Wendy really is having a baby?"She asked, a smile forming once again on her lips.
"Yes, honey, yes! And we are praying hard this time that is will be a little girl, another one of us to add to the club!"
        "Yuck!" Jake scrunched up his nose, disagreeing with her.
        "Oh, yuck you, you little boggier." She retorted back, sticking her tongue out playfully.
         "I ain't no boggier!" He laughed hard, clutching his side as he leaned back in his wheelchair.
          "Are too!" Ella reached out and began to tickle him.
           Sky laughed at their banter, so happy to finally have found a place to call home.
Jake had long been let out of the hospital. At first, it was a hassle to be here there and everywhere for him, to do this and that for him. It was like she was raising a new born baby all over again. But, this time around, she had a little help.
            Ella instantly fell in love with her son, offering her breaks to relax just so that she could spend some time with Jake. Wendy had completely fallen for Jake too. She had even given him her prized possession, the enormous stuffed bear she had bought for him then smuggled for herself at first. Then, as time went by she felt ashamed of herself for having not given Jake the bear in the beginning. He totally deserved it and even more, she had proclaimed, and that had touched Sky's heart.
            "Hello? Where is everybody?"
              Ryder's voice called out from the front door.
             "Ryder's home!" Jake cheered, spinning his wheelchair around and hurriedly raced towards the front door.
              "Slow down there boy, don't wanna cause another accident having to do with my hand made vases like you did last week happen now!" Ella took off after him, a loving smile still showing on her face.
                Sky took her time as she made her way over to the front door, leaning back on the wall as she took in the scene before her.
                Ryder stood inside the foyer, his hair ruffled and his smile genuine. He held her son lightly in his arms, listening as Jake went on about telling him the news of Wendy. News she was pretty sure he was informed about already. Ella stood by his side, one hand on his shoulder, the other on Jake's head full of curls. This was her family now and she couldn't have asked for anything more.
               "Thank you Lord, you truly do have the best planned for us,"she whispered, grinning widely as she connected eyes with Ryder. She pushed off the wall and began to approach him. She stopped half way to watch curiously as Ryder leaned close and murmured  something in Jake's ear. What ever it had been, it made a spark shine in Jake's eyes and a heart warming smile crack onto his face. Ryder gently put Jake back down into his wheelchair and finished closing the gap between them.
               "Hey,"he muttered, a playful grin shifting onto his lips.
                "Hey,"She chirped back, matching his expression.
                He chuckled lowly as he wrapped his arms around her, planting a kiss on her nose. She giggled, unable to hold herself back from pressing into his warmth.
                "I wanna ask you something Sky."
                 She gazed up into his now serious eyes.
                "Okay, what is it?"
                "Well would you look at that!" Ella's voice broke through the sudden silence.
                 Ryder's eyes shifted and she instantly followed his gaze.
                Jake was standing up on his own two feet, his arms gripping his wheelchair. He smiled brightly at her, making her words clog in her throat.
               "You can do it Jake, just like we practiced." Ryder let go of her and made his way over to her still standing son. Then, he took hold of both her son's hands and watched in glorious amazement as Jake took his first step towards her. He shot his gaze to his feet then back up to Ryder, unsure of himself.
               "You can do it, I got you now."
                Jake nodded his head then sent her another brave smile.
              "I'm walking momma,"he laughed as he took another step.
              "Oh Jake," she covered her mouth with her hand, unable to speak. He took another step then another, all the while continuing to look at her. As if she was his final destination.
              "One more step buddy," Ryder encouraged Jake as he wobbled some then corrected his stance.Jake lifted his foot and took his final step, ending up right in front of her. She dropped down to the floor and gave her son a hug.
              "I'm so proud of you Jake, so so proud of you."
              "That's not all momma!"
               She pulled back and felt her stomach flutter at the sight of Ryder kneeling behind her son, holding a small black box open, the diamond ring sparkling back at her almost making her erupt into more tears.
               "Sky, I love you. I've loved you from the moment we first met. I can't keep living every day knowing that you aren't mine. I want you as my closest friend, as my counselor, as my nurturer, as my spiritual companion, and last but not lest, I want you as my wife. I can't wait any longer, and trust me, it's been a true test of patience for me this far. Now, I'll shut up about me and just ask you the question."
                His eyes gleamed with true love as he said the five words she had been waiting so long to hear.
               "Sky, will you marry me?"
              "Yah momma,"Jake questioned,"will you marry him?"
              She wiped her eyes with a shaky hand and let out a laugh of pure bliss. Her heart almost burst as Jake and Ella cheered with delight and Ryder scooped her into his arms, showering her with kisses and whispering words of love in her ear.
Yes indeed, by God's almighty love and grace, Sky Evergreen was finally home.

A Tragic Heroحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن