Chapter 16

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Sky caught sight of Ryder as she dashed down the hallway that led to her son's hospital room. His eyes found her's and he started to jog towards her.
She crumbled into his open arms.
Way to keep him at a distance.
She would deal with that later. He was just so comforting now, so familiar. His spicy cologne filled her nose and she inhaled it in slowly. He gently held her in his strong arms, not uttering a word.
"Is it really true?"
She gazed up at him in anticipation.
"Is Jake really awake?"
Ryder smiled warmly down at her, his glowing eyes beginning to stare.
"Yah," he nodded after a few unwavering seconds.
"He's awake and he was asking for you."
Ella and Wendy turned the corner then, both entering the hallway out of breath.
"We fast as we could,"Wendy coughed up, eyeing them both hugging.
Sky quickly broke the soothing embrace, holding in her blush. No need to hold on to him, especially in front of these two.
"I hope you ladies had a great day together," Ryder said, still gazing very sweetly at her.
"Well," Ella wiped her palm on her spotless forehead,"where is this boy? I'm positively ready to meet him."
"He's right through that door," Ryder answered his mother, pointing at the door behind him.
"The nurses are still making sure he's completely here," he continued,"but other than that, he looks great, like he was never even in a coma to start with."
Sky smiled, so thankful her son was going to be alright. Of course, he had been declared a paraplegic, but who knows, maybe there was a chance that everything would go back to normal in time.
"Thank God," She whispered to herself.
Ryder must have caught her comment, cause in the next moment, he reached out and clasped her hand.
"Yes, thank God."
She really shouldn't be letting him affect her this much. But he was affecting her. She really shouldn't even be letting him claim her hand. But she couldn't pull away. Curse her mixed emotions. When he wasn't around, she could easily ignore him, but as soon as he showed up, she was like mushed putty, unstable and deformed.
But, she wasn't putty. She was allowing him to hold her hand! If not, then he wouldn't be. He was, though. Lord help her.
Jake's door opened and a skinny nurse, probably just out of her teens, stepped out into the hallway to meet them.
"Are you Miss Evergreen?" She questioned her, a clip board in one hand and her other tucked in her pant pocket.
"Yes, that's me," Sky answered, ready to enter in and see her son.
"The doctor will be with you shortly. You, Miss, have an extraordinary son."
She gave Ryder a small nod then started off down the hall to other matters. Two more nurses came out of the room next, each smiling at Sky as they passed her.
"Please, only two visitors at a time," One said as she eyed Sky's group and continued walking.
"You two go on in first, me and Wendy can wait."
Ella glanced at Wendy who smiled in return. Those two couldn't have been more obvious, but that was what really made them different then most people.
"Fine by me," Ryder stated, still holding her hand. She had some how forgotten he was holding it. Oh well. She wasn't here for him. She was here for her son. For Jake, no one else.
After the two jokers disappeared down the hallway, Sky turned back to see that Ryder was smirking at her.
"What?" She questioned him, self conscious now.
"I'm just wondering how you survived the whole day with those two."
Sky frowned at him, not amused. His knowing laugher began to fill the air.
"Yes Mister, that's something I have to talk to you about. You no good traitor. Next time, warn me before I become the next candidate for their back and forth questioning games."
Ryder leaned against Jake's door, still smiling at her.
"Sorry. You're tough. I knew you could handle them."
She really needed him to stop smiling. And complimenting her. It was messing with her already full mind.
"Doesn't mean I wanted to."
She broke eyes contact with him. This really shouldn't be hard. But, sadly, it was beginning to be.
"Yah, I know."
He finally let go of her hand.
She felt them immediately freeze up, missing his heat. Stupid hands. Stupid heart.
"So," he reached out for the knob, all happiness erased off his face,"you ready?"
Sky was silent for a moment. Yes, she was ready. She did want to see her son. But...but how would she explain to him all of this? How would she be able to contain her tears and be strong for her son? She wasn't feeling to well right about now.
"Hey,"Ryder let go of the door knob and placed his strong hands on her shoulders,"don't forget, I'm right here for you. I know you can do this Sky. I just know you can."
She nodded her head, too chocked up to speak. Ryder left one hand on her shoulder and with the other, gently opened Jake's door.

Ryder noticed Sky's discomfort at his nearness when they first hugged in the hallway, but he couldn't help being near her. He wanted to see her smile, wanted to help her out of her fog. He wanted to be close to her. Was that really that bad? She was just so...
He didn't even know anymore. He was so attracted to her, so captivated with her. Not like that freak Peter West, but a good, health attraction. He really just wanted her to be happy. He would make sure he was around to see when her rain clouds cleared up. But right now, he needed to push all his feelings aside for Sky.
She stood frozen beside him, staring directly at Jake's still swollen face. His tiny body was covered with a white blanket from the neck down. Wires and IV's were stuck in here and there, peaking out from under the blanket and trailing back to different monitors. Jake's head was in a stiff neck brace. He had fallen asleep, probably from all the pain medication he was still on.
"Is he...alright?"Sky spoke up weakly, glancing at him while blinking rapidly.
"Yah, just sleeping. Call out to him. He'll wake up,"He assured her quietly.
Hesitantly, Sky placed her small hand on Jake's pale arm that rested across his slow moving chest.
"J...Jake?" She choked out.
Jake's eyes widened at her voice. His heart monitor began to beat rapidly.
"Momma?" His scratchy voice spoke up.
"Oh Jake, I'm here. Momma's here now."
"What happened momma?"
He gazed around the room sluggishly. His dropping ocean blue eyes began to pool with moisture.
"Why can't I feel anything in my legs momma?"
Sky moved her hand to run her fingers down her son's scared face.
"Baby, we were in an accident. You've been asleep for a long time. The doctor says you're gonna be alright now though. We just gotta pray now for God to give us a free miracle."
The tears spilled down his now confused face.
"I can't feel nothing, momma. I'm scared. What's wrong with my legs? Why aren't they moving momma?"
Ryder watched in pain as Sky was unable to respond to her terrified son. If he could some how take all of her son's injuries away, he would. If he could take hold of all of her sorrows and be the one to carry them, he would be willing to.
But, he couldn't.
"J-Jake, it's gonna be alright," Sky mumbled, barely able to stand now.
"Momma, I wanna go home. I'm scared momma, I'm scared. What's wrong with my legs?"
He watched motionlessly as Sky broke down in front of her son. She gripped the railing until her knuckles turned white. Her soft, hopeless cries began to fill the room, making his heart ache.
"Momma, I'm scared. Momma...momma."
Jake's eyes shut and his steady breathing indicated that he had fallen asleep once more.
"Oh, Jake. Jake, I'm so sorry," Sky whispered to now sleeping son. Her eyes were still tightly shut as more tears began to stream down her face. Her body was trembling viciously, and it took all he had inside for him to not scoop her into his arms and murmur in her ear that everything was gonna be just fine.
"Hey, Sky. Look at me."
Ryder reached out his hand and placed it on her pale one still gripping the railing.
She didn't respond to his touch, just kept crying.
"Please, Sky, I-"
"Ryder," her hazel eyes flashed at him, a look of anger and sorrow filling them,"please, just...just go away."
"Now Why would I do that?" He questioned, suddenly confused at her demand.
"I...I want to be alone."
Sky glanced at her feet, pulling her hand out from under his.
"You know I can't do that. I can't leave you here to suffer alone."
"But I want to," she glanced back up at him, wrapping her arms around herself.
"You don't need to help carry my load. I can't let you do that."
"But you see Sky, that's the thing,"he murmured lowly,"I want to help carry your load. I want to be here with you. I want to stay by your side through this. You don't have to push people away. Not people who want to really be there for you."
Ryder took a step closer to her, reducing the space between them to inches.
"And I'm one of those people. So, wether you like it or not, I'm staying right here, next to you."
He gazed into her eyes, waiting for her response. Would she really let him in?
Sky turned to look at her son, avoiding his eyes again.
"Trust, right?" She said, placing her hand back on her son's blanket.
"This is one of those trusting moments?"
He cupped her chin in his hand and gently made her look back at him. She didn't pull away, just stared back up at him.
"Real trust, Sky. You can trust me."
"I do," She answered, allowing a sad smile to form on her lip.
"It's the staying part that I have problems with."

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