Chapter 18

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Ryder had gotten his wish. He had been able to hold Sky in his arms, whisper in her ear that everything would be okay. Not just for a moment, but for a long time. A couple of minutes actually. She had wept silently on his shoulder as he slid his fingers down her soft curls, assuring her and trying to put her at ease. Her body had shook violently against his. He had hugged her tighter then, not wanting her to collapse.
She hadn't.
Surprisingly, she hadn't pulled away from him either through it all. That was a good sign, right? He hoped so. Hoped that he had finally gotten through her thick shell.
He would have been able to hold her a lot longer if it hadn't been for Dr. Nickel entering the room once more, prescriptions in hand.
"So miss Evergreen, have u made up your mind about Jake leaving or staying?"
Sky yanked away from his embrace when the doctor spoke, realizing that someone else was in the room with them now.
"Uh-uh yes, yes. I think it would be best if...,"Her voice trailed off as she met his eyes, freezing up for just a second.
Why did she do that? Was she...afraid of him in some way? Afraid maybe about how she felt towards him?
"Jake should stay here."
Sky glanced over at the doctor. He continued to stare at her puffy face, wanting to wipe away some of the tears still present. She really just needed some good news and a short break from all this. Maybe he could be the one to give her that. If only she would let him.
"Alright then, sounds like a plan. Here are his prescriptions. If you would like to drive over at any time to your local pharmacy and pick up his medications, even though he's gonna be staying here, it would be fine to do so. Just means you'll be prepared when he does go home."
The doctor handed her the papers for Jake and offed her a gentle smile.
"That's all for now,"he made a quick look at Jake's sleeping form, then brought his eyes back to Sky.
"Do you have any questions or concerns that you'd like to tell me about now?"
Sky weakly shook her head, exhaustion written all over her face.
He really, really wanted to hold her again.
"Okay then, I'll leave you be. Have a good evening and never lose hope. There's always hope to cling to, miss Evergreen."
Doctor Nickel's eyes shined as he waved goodbye and exited the room. He was a good man. One Ryder could count on to get the job done. One who was always soft, never hard on people. A real life saver.
"I really just want a nap right about now,"Sky muttered next to him.
Ryder turned to face her again and saw she had wiped her cheeks off of any traces of tears. Well, there went that fantasy. He felt a grin play on his lips at the sight of Sky standing a foot away. Her hair was loose, fizzy, but not a mess. Her once vibrant hazel eyes had toned down a notch, not as bright as they usually were. Her nose was red from sniffing as she cried on him and her lips still quivered every few seconds. Even though she looked like she was ready to tumble into the nearest bed and get some shut eye, she still looked beautiful to him.
"What?" Sky's enticing lips moved.
He tore his gaze back up into her tired eyes.
Should he just come out and say exactly what was on his mind or should he stay quiet? Either way, Sky would wonder and probably ask again. But...he was curious as to how she would react.
So, after building up some macho, he gave her a grin and confessed.
"I just think you look so beautiful right now."
His voice had been low and gentle when he spoke, not wanting her to pull back completely from him but really wanting to see what she would do about his compliment.
Sky dropped her gaze to her feet. He watched with amusement as her face began to flush. So, he did make her feel someway inside. But, was it even as close to being as deep as what he felt for her?
"It was just a honest compliment Sky,"he said, leaning in closer to her.
"I wasn't going to lie to you about what I was thinking."
"I know, but..."
Sky fiddled with her fingers, still staring at her shoes.
"But what?"
Ryder kept his hands to himself, realizing that if he did try to touch her, she may try to bolt from him.
Sky never did give him an answer. She only shook her head once more, unable to cough up how she was feeling. Why did it matter so much to him?
Cause she had literally taken his heart away and he wanted her to feel the same. He wanted to be part of her life. He wanted to stay. But, how could he get her to understand that?
"I need to go to the restroom."
Sky took a step towards the door. He let her pass him. He let her dash out the room. He let her stay silent about her feelings. He could wait. He had waited this long. Why not just a little longer?


Jake's peaceful hospital room's door swung open, making Ryder jump from his seat that he had found out in the hallway.
He scolded at Wendy as she stomped into the room, his mother following behind.
"Sorry, sorry,"Wendy apologized, spottingJake who still slept like a baby a few feet from her.
"I just needed to tell you something."
"What is it? Can't it wait?"
He squinted at his sister who placed her hands on her hips and frowned at him in disappointment. Disappointment? What had he done?
"No silly,"his mother closed her eyes, holding the bridge of her nose with one hand and placing the other also on her hip.
"This simply can not wait."
"You let her go!" Wendy huffed out, pointing an accusing finger at him.
"Let who go?" He questioned her, at a compete loss with these two women.
"Sky darling, sky,"Ella answered him, dropping her hands to her side. She came to stand in front of him.
"What are you two talking about?"
He glanced between both of them, taking in their unbelieving expressions.
"Nobody let anybody go."
"Then why, my dear stubborn brother,"Wendy began,"was Sky running down the hall with her hands covering her face like she was crying?"
"Oh, I don't know,"he almost laughed in their faces.
"She maybe has a son who may never walk again? No, maybe it's cause she lost her apartment? Or even better, maybe she doesn't have enough money to even begin paying for all Jake's new medication!"
"I know that!"
Wendy spun around to face the now closed door.
These two really did know how to push things over the edge for him.
"Honey," Ella stared at him sharply,"what your sister is trying to say is, why was Sky all alone? We left you two to work things out, not argue."
"We weren't arguing. Sky just had to go to the restroom."
"Men,"Wendy mumbled under her breath.
"Why can't they see when a woman really needs them?"
He didn't make a snide remark back at her. He just thought about what she had said.
"Girls,"Ryder dropped back into his seat, worn out.
"I'm trying, okay? I really am. If Sky doesn't want to open up to me, I'm not gonna try to force her to. That's not right."
"We're not telling you to force her,"His mother assured him, placing a light hand on his slouched shoulder.
"We're telling you to make her see that you are the one she needs. The one who will help her through it all and still be here for her in the end."
"The one that will hold her close," Wendy spun back around, a loving smile on her face.
"The one to tell her that you love her, to show her all the things she's always dreamed of, the one who will give all his love to her willingly, showing  her the real meaning of trust, the one to-"
"I get it,"He spoke up, cutting off Wendy's speech.
"Well then, now that you know what to do,"Ella glanced at Wendy who sent her back a mischievous grin,"you just wait until Sky comes back in here. We'll be gone by then, let you work your charm and all."
"Mom, please."
"I'm just playing with you sweetie," she laughed, ruffling his matted locks of hair.
"But you are strictly handsome, that's for sure. I know that."
She stepped towards Wendy and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"Wendy knows that."
"And a certain miss Sky Evergreen definitely knows that,"Wendy added, sending him a wink.
"Alright you clowns, get out before I call security on you."
Ryder stood from his seat, made his way past the chuckling pair, and opened Jake's door for them to exit.
"You wouldn't dare!"
Wendy faked a look of surprise, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Try me."
"Try Sky darling," Ella said as she past him and began to walk down the empty hallway.
"I'll be praying for you!"she called back as she gave him one more look.
"I'm always praying for you!" He answered back. He smiled as he entered Jake's room again and found his seat once more. This was gonna be a toughie, but with God's help, he knew he would be able to reach Sky's heart for sure.

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