Chapter 12

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Sky shoved a broken lamp off the top of her 5th pile of destroyed belongings she was working through.
How could Peter have done this? She shivered at the though of her obsessed ex-land lord. He truly had gone over the edge with her. She would never respect the man again. If Ryder hadn't been here to rush in and save her from Peter's clutches, she feared what would have happened to her.
She squeezed her eyes shut, shaking the horrid image from her already troubled mind. No point in dwelling on the bad that could have taken place. Instead, she should dwell on the good.
But, she didn't wanna dwell on the good. That would lead to thinking about her savior. Her protective, helpful, overly friendly Ryder Clinton. He was beginning to mess with her, the random shock when they had touched just minutes ago still burning on her hand.
She brushed more ruined items away. She could not, would not believe it. That she, Sky Rose Evergreen, was attracted to Ryder Clinton in a more- than- friend's way. It was simply impossible! There was no way she could feel like that, not again. She had locked her heart away a long time ago, specifically so that this occurrence wouldn't ever happen again. She could never survive something like she had been through before again. It just wouldn't happen. She wouldn't allow it!
"Is this of any importance to you?"
Ryder's deep voice from behind made her jump. She whirled around to face him, taking in his handsome expression.
"Whoa," he chuckled, his charming smile unnerving her even more.
"Relax. It's just me."
Actually, that was the problem. It was just Ryder. Lord help her.
"Are you okay?" Ryder questioned her, his face becoming slightly worried.
"Yah,"she began fiddled with her fingers unconsciously.
"I'm fine."
Ryder continued to stare at her, his brilliant blue eyes studying her silently.
She glanced down at his hand, not able to return his intense stare. He held a metal cylinder, one specific cylinder she had been searching for.
"Yes," she held her hand out,"that is really important to me."
Ryder handed it to her, letting out what sounded to be a disappointed sigh.
Sky popped open the cap of the unlocked canister. Excellent. Peter hadn't thought to check inside. She shook out the wad of cash she had stored in it years ago, holding the money lightly in her hand.
Ryder whistled, crossing his toned arms over his chest.
"Smart,"he commented.
"You should always store some money away, just for emergencies like this."
"I'm just glad he didn't find it,"she responded back, tucking her saved funds in her back pocket.
Ryder glanced back at her.
"So," he said, rubbing his hands together.
"What else are we looking for?"
"This was the most important thing really."
She gazed over the pile of belongings.
"Now that I don't have an apartment though...I'll look for some clothes to take and some of Jake's stuff. That's all we're gonna need at a shelter, at least until I can save some more money up to perhaps buy another cheap apartment."
To her surprise, Ryder started to laugh. Double over, to be correct. He clutched his sides and let out loud howls of rich laughter.
"You really think," he asked breathlessly,"I'm gonna let you stay in a shelter? All by yourself?"
He wiped his eyes, still shaking with laughter. She was a bit baffled at his behavior and his question. Where else was she suppose to stay?
"You go on and find whatever else you need. I'm gonna make a quick call, then we can head out, okay?"
He seemed as if his strange behavior had left him. She nodded after making sure he wouldn't erupt with laughter again.
Sky watched as Ryder headed back to his truck. He pulled out his phone and pressed it on his ear before stepping into his vehicle.
"Alright then."
She hurried off to find the specifics. She had her wedding photo album, her stack of money...what else? She scanned the area and found a stuffed trash bag laying a couple of feet away. She yanked open the bag and smiled. Well, at least Peter had the decency to throw all her clothes into a single bag. She rummaged through the bag. And Jake's clothes too.
She tossed her findings into the bag with her and her son's clothing  and searched around for anything else. She came up with her son's favorite car set, her and Noah's wedding rings, a medical emergency kit, Jake's prized cowboy hat and scuffed up boots, her worn out Bible, and her son's favorite cotton white blanket. Everything else could be taken or soled. She didn't care. Most of the things left were broken anyways. No use in trying to fix them.
Sky collected everything she had chosen to keep into her trash bag, carefully lifted it onto her shoulder, and started towards Ryder's waiting truck.
Ryder stepped out of his truck and met her half way.
"Here, let me take that,"he said as he sent her another warm smile.
She willingly gave up the heavy load, carful to not touch Ryder's hand, and continued her walk once he adjusted the bag onto his shoulder. He stepped into stride with her never the less as she tried but failed to make it to his truck first.
"You got a place to stay,"Ryder began.
"Never doubt me when I say I'm here for your every need."
Sky jerked her gaze to him, amazed that he had somehow found some place for her to stay so quickly.
"Where?" She asked.
"Well," he glanced at her with a slightly embarrassed look ," it's not anywhere special. I just...know someone who would love to meet you and to have you stay at their place, since you do need some help."
"Who is it? Who wants to meet me?"she wondered aloud.
Ryder stopped walking, making her halt her steps as well. Running a hand through his tussled black hair, he grinned at her, flustered.
She had to be honest with herself. It was a great look on him.
" mom."
He closed the small gap between them, moving once again towards the truck. She followed behind.
"Your mom?"
"Yah," he answered over his shoulder, still smiling,"you'll love her. She a riot. Always trying to get me out more, you know, talking with people, socializing. Crazy old woman. I know you two will work out great together. She has 2 guest bedrooms that she never uses and she's always complaining that she's so bored while she's home alone. You'll be great company for her and she'll in return, allow you to stay for as long as you'd like."
"I don't know. It sounds like I'd be taking advantage of her and I would never wanna do that,"she whispered under her breath as they arrived at their destination.
Ryder helped her into her seat then headed back to the trunk to drop her load of things in.
She couldn't believe it. He had really found some place for her to stay. And, if his mother really would let her stay, that would be fantastic! But...but no she couldn't just barge into someone's house cause she needed a place to stay. That would be taking advantage of someone. She had never even met Ryder's mother! She would not, a total stranger, stay in someone's house, even if they had said she could.
She was going to tell Ryder this, but as soon as he got in his seat, before he even pulled out, he turned to face her and spoke.
"Look," he began," I know we haven't really know each other for a long time and we're basically brand new friends, but please, I wanna help you, in anyway I can. I just witnessed an complete idiot try to hurt you and toss all your stuff away like they were nothing. I know you had a great marriage that was ripped apart by sickness and death, and that you love your son with all your heart. I know you try to be strong and not be in anyone's way. I know you are a simple, intelligent, funny, soft hearted woman who just wants to believe in God and let everything play out on its own. All that's good, that's really all great. But, Sky, sometimes you have to just let someone help you. You have to share your cares and worries with them. You can't hold onto stuff forever. Eventually you'll burst. So, what I'm asking is that you'll trust me. Trust that I can help you. Trust that I can ease your burdens some, if you would just let me. Trust that we can get through this thing together. Just, let me help you. Please, that's all I wanna do."
Ryder gently took her hands in his. The warm sensation in her palms immediately returned at his touch. She couldn't look away, stuck in the glowing compassion in his eyes.
God, why did this man have to be so kind? Why couldn't he just be mean or rude to her when they had first met? Why did he have to come back? Why did he want to stick around?
"Please," He asked again in a low voice, rubbing small circles on her knuckles with his thumb, spreading his now annoying but wonderful heat.
It was too much.
She couldn't tell him no. She really didn't want to go there, really didn't want to give him her trust, but what could she do? She could hold everything else at bay, but now, she would give him what he wanted.
"I'm not the best at trust. It's actually one of my weaknesses, especially when it comes to people."
"Then we could fix that too. Together."
Ryder reached out his other hand and placed it lightly on her shoulder. The uncomfortable heat seeped from his hand into her shoulder, scaring her just a tad bit.
"Okay," she gave him a shaky grin, still worried about where this trail of action would lead her down
"You win. I'll try trust you. Really trust you. But know this, I still don't agree with staying at your mothers. I'm a total stranger to her. What if I can't pay the bill?"
Ryder tilted his head back to the roof of his truck and let out a stream of laughter.
"There is no bill Sky. No bill what so ever. Trust me, you're gonna be just fine."
Trust me. Such a small phrase, but such a phrase that affected her deeply. Ryder didn't know how hard this trusting business was gonna be for her. Not one bit.

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