Chapter 1

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Velle's POV

It wasn't my fault I was born an omega... Yet no one seemed to think about that every time they harassed me. These thoughts ran through my head as my father swore at me repeatedly.

"You are a fucking disgrace! Everyone in this family is an alpha and then you just had to come along and be an omega. You should have never been born!"

My father ended his insults with a slap to my face. This basically happened everyday of my life since the day I was born. Over the years I started to let the words sink in. Now I believe them. Worthless. Disgrace. Shameful. Pathetic. Weak. Fat. Ugly. God was I ugly.... Well that's what I thought after the constant bullying.

My medium ash blonde hair was always messy looking and covered my eyes with little waves. Then there was my eyes, which were a teal color that went into a lighter green with an almost yellow color around his pupil. Disgusting. My complexion was a mix between tan and pale, but mostly pale. The last part of my face that always came to attention were the freckles that were sprinkled across my nose and onto my cheeks. I was constantly teased about them, the rest of the pack always saying that each one was a different flaw. That wasn't even the worst part. 

I got up from the floor, where I had ended up after father slapped me. I walked down to my room, and by room I mean the small storage space at the end of the hallway. All it consisted of was a small bed, a lamp, a wardrobe, and a stand-up mirror. I walked in before closing the door and coming face to face with his large mirror. My body was the worst part about me in general. My 5"0 tall frame made me very short.. Shorter than all the other men and women in his pack, aside from the young pups. I had absolutely no muscle and a really big butt, just like a female omega. God I really was a shame. The last horrific aspect was my stomach... To the normal eye it would look too skinny due to my lack of food, but I thought I was fat due to everyone's harsh words telling me I was.

I poked and pinched at it until it was red. Serves you right, I thought to myself. I was snapped out of my thoughts when there was a loud banging on my door.

"Velle! Get your puny ass downstairs in five minutes and make some damn dinner and tea! Our guests will be here in less than an hour!" My mother yelled at me through the thin wood door. If I could even call her mother. I quickly applied some makeup to cover the bruise welling up across my face and changing my blood covered shirt to a big grey sweater. I quickly bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen. Did I forget to say that we were having guests tonight? The Alpha from the neighboring pack was coming over with his beta for dinner to try and form an alliance with us in case there was ever a need for fighting. I hated it when guests came over. They usually made it harder for me to work, treating me even more like a slave, sometimes even joining in on the fun of beating my weak ass.

 I yelped in pain as one of my brothers ran into me, knocking me into the stove, making me burn my hand. Chase turned around,

"You say something you little shit?!" He roared at me. I cowered away in fear and shook my head 'no' rapidly. He scowled before turning away from me and walking into the living room where the meeting with the bordering Alpha would be held. I cooked fast, having enough time to make bread, a salad, pasta, and a roast chicken. Quite good if I say so myself, but of course it wouldn't matter if it wasn't up to my father's standards. I finished setting the food on the dining table before being harshly yanked back into the wall behind me. My mother, father, and both of my brothers were there surrounding me.

"If you mess this up you will never speak again! Got it?! No speaking, and do not even think about coming close to our two guests! Do you understand?!" My dad yelled at me.

"Yes sir!" I nodded quickly. I heard a knock on the door and a young member of our pack walked into the doorway.

"Alpha Pettie, your guests; Alpha Davies and Beta Meadows have arrived," She finished quietly. My father nodded at her.

"Send them in," He stated before shooing her off. He glared at me before motioning towards the tea harshly. I turned and scurried as fast as I could to the kitchen to grab the tea. When I came back into the dining room my family was sitting at the table with the guest Alpha and his Beta. 

My eyes ran over the Alpha's face, and god was it flawless. His gaze drifted over to mine and I snapped my eyes down to the floor. Don't look them in the eye, don't look at them at all, that was what father said. My father snapped his fingers impatiently and I quickly moved to fill his cup. Father then hurriedly engaged in conversation with the gorgeous alpha and his first command. 


So.... what did you think? 

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Should I put up another chapter?

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