Chapter 10

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I know that it has been a long time but I've been a tad bit busy!

Sorry for not getting a new chapter up earlier

Enjoy this one, feedback is appreciated (:


Cayson's POV

Gosh could this boy get any cuter? Honestly...probably not. I think that capacity has been filled. I would literally die if it were to happen.

His hand was so small...afken,ng.kfs.fsksgr

I can't.

Anyways, I was so excited to show him his room. I think that he'll love it, or I hope he does anyways. Some of the omegas from my pack had gotten it ready after Taz informed them of the new alliance that we had made with Velle's pack.

I still clasped his tiny hand in mine (honestly how is it so small) and took him into the room. Once we were in the doorway I turned and closed the door, I didn't want any interruptions when I was showing him his new home.

I turned back around, coming face to face with the omega.

"You can turn around and look sweetheart," I said to him. He nodded shakily before pivoting to face the room.

I have to admit that the room was pretty nice. There was a queen size bed in the middle of the room, right next to a large window facing the back of the pack grounds, which is the forest. Across from the bed is chest of drawers with a large flat screen TV sitting on top. Then there was a separate door leading to a large closet and a bathroom. The bathroom was nice, it had a glass shower and a large automatic sink. It was a pretty modern room. It wasn't as "nice" as my room, but it was pretty close.

I looked at Velle, wanting to see his reaction.

There were tears in his eyes. Shit...

Was the room not to his liking? Was the bed too small? Maybe he wanted a bathtub?

I was taken out of my thoughts when I felt arms wrap around my torso in a delicate hug. Velle was hugging me. And he was crying...what's going on?

I heard and felt muffled rumbles tumbling from Velle's mouth into my shirt.

"What are you saying, sweetheart?" I asked him softly. The sweet omega pulled away, wiping his eyes, before taking a deep stuttering breath and speaking,

"T-thank you s-so much sir. I'm so h-happy right n-now. This is a-mazing."

Ah... so he wasn't disappointed with the room, he was overwhelmed with gratitude.

I smiled, "You're welcome sweetheart. I was worried that you hadn't liked the room I had arranged for you. Are you sure this one is okay?"

The omega stood staring at me, his mouth gaping open in shock, "A-alpha, this is more than I have e-ever had. I am so thankful. Thank you so much."

I couldn't help but to stare at him in a quiet awe. This boy was so humble, and so so beautiful.

"You're welcome sweet omega," I said back to him. "Come, I'll show you where you can put your things away."

Velle nodded at me and stuck close to my side as I showed him around his room. He had the same look of awe on his face the entire time. Once I was finished showing him around, I spoke to him again,

"Velle, welcome home. I hope you are happy with your new life here. I am here for you if you need anything, I am just across the hall. Knock twice, and I will answer. Tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock is when breakfast is served. I hope to see you there omega."

After my little welcoming and goodnight speech I bowed and reached over to take the omega's hand. I pulled it to my mouth, placing a kiss upon it.

"Goodnight sweetheart," I said.

"Goodnight Alpha," Velle answered, this time only a soft dusting of pink on his smiling cheeks.

I bowed again before turning and exiting the room.

I closed the door behind me before walking across the hall to my own living space.

I stepped inside. As soon as I was close enough I flopped onto my bed.

I bit the inside of my lip.

Gosh this boy was going to be the end of me.


I know! It was short...I'm sorry guys

This is not edited

I would love some feedback on it (: 

New chapter up again this week 

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