Chapter 5

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I know that chapters 3 and 4 are very similar...I just realized it!

Yikes...Sorry guys

Anyways...enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 5

(Velle's POV)

My cheek still hurt.

I wasn't surprised when father hit me. He just likes showing off to the guests. I was surprised with Alpha Davies though. He didn't look impressed, he looked (dare I say)...angry.

Him and father have been out of the room for a couple of minutes now, leaving me with mother, my brothers, and Beta Meadows. He looked upset too, but also curious; an angry type of curious. It looked as if he was about to say something, but then stopped himself. I observed everyone quietly. Mother was glaring at me, as were my brothers, but the Beta just stared towards the room where father and the other alpha were.

The Beta was a beautiful man, and the Alpha even more so. The beta is fair skinned but he had this long black hair that matched his almost black eyes. Pretty.

His head suddenly snapped back to the table.

I looked over to where he used to be staring. Father and

the Alpha were walking towards us.

Now, the Alpha was simply beautiful, stunning, and so very unique. He had dark skin, and the most wonderful face. His eyes were mesmerizing, one blue and one brown. His lips were full, and his nose somewhat narrow.

I took the time to stare at him some more. His face and arms were covered in different colored splotches; vitiligo. Beautiful. Could this man get even more precious? His hair was packed into tiny curls close to his head, and his body was so so muscular. God, he was hot as hell.

I must have been staring too long; father growled at me. I quickly turned my face to stare at the table. Surely I would get it now. Then I heard the handsome Alpha clear his throat. He spoke.

"Omega-" before he could finished his sentence I was up from my chair and kneeling at his feet. I waited for him to continue his words.

I was surprised when I heard him sigh sadly. He finally spoke,

"Omega can I please know your name so we can continue our conversation? And for god's sake will you please get up, I'm not a king," I blushed before standing.

"Look at me please," he said. I shyly lifted my head up to stare up into his eyes. Gosh were they pretty. He was just smiling softly, oh goodness me. I'm sure he could see the blush on my cheeks from where he stood.

"What's your name sweetheart?" He spoke to me softly. Gently. I'd never been spoken to like that before. He was still waiting for an answer I realized. Whoops.

"M-my name's Velle," I stuttered out. Great. Great impression. That seemed to put a grin on the Alpha's face. He took my hand in his and lifted it to his mouth. Then he gave it a kiss. I blushed harder, and everyone around me looked at him in shock, except for Beta Meadows. The Alpha spoke again,

"Lovely to meet you Velle, my name is Cayson."

"Lovely to m-meet you as well Alpha," I shyly said back.

My father cleared his throat loudly before speaking with a snarky tone, "I believe you had come out here to say something Alpha Davies."

My father really was an ass. Gosh. The Alpha in front of me rolled his eyes and dropped my hand before turning to glare at my father. Ha.

Cayson turned to his Beta, "Taz, would you be so kind to escort Alpha Pettie, the Luna and their sons outside for a minute?"

When his sentence finished, the Beta (Taz) nodded before dragging my brother's by the scruffs of their necks up and out of their chairs, nodding his head to my parents and leading them all outside.

I turned back to the Alpha, he was already staring at me softly. Gosh could this man get any sweeter?

"What would you l-like to sp-speak about sir?" I asked him. He sighed again before motioning for me to sit at the table with him. I complied.

"Listen love, I'm about to make a proposition for you. Please listen, and if you don't agree with me we can discuss after I am done speaking," he finished. I nodded my head at him. He took this as an okay to go on.

"You know why I am here I'm guessing; to form an alliance. I have negotiated an agreement with your father," he looked at me before continuing, "I saw how you were being treated, so I have come up with a solution. If you agree, I would like to take you home with me. Not as a prize or a possession at all. I just want you to be safe," He looked up at me again, and I urged him to continue his proposition.

"I would like to take you with me for my end of the deal. You come live with me at my pack, and your pack gets our trust and side during war," I stared at him in shock after he finished. He wants me? Wait, he could save me. Actually save me. I think that was the first time I smiled that night.

He was still staring at me. "What do you think? Would you like to join my pack?"

His words were just what I wanted to hear.

I grinned.

I don't think I have ever nodded my head faster. 


This was NOT edited so sorry if there were any mistakes...

I'm so sorry that it took a while to get this chapter up

How are you guys liking it so far????

I am so excited to be writing it ahhhh

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