Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 guyssss


Cayson POV

He agreed...he actually agreed.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I could finally get this omega out of here. He's has to live here his entire life. Poor thing.

I got to see him smile. He was so beautiful. Maybe he could open up to me over time. Now, I just had to leave with him, and everything would be as good as gold.

I called Taz and Velle's family back inside. They surrounded us, all with a snooty look on their faces. Assholes.

I turned to the Alpha and held out my hand, "The deal has been made. Peace alliance for your son. Keep to the guidelines, and I'll keep to mine. We will be leaving as soon as Velle gets his things."

The Alpha shook my hand, "Deal," he said with a smirk.

I turned back to the tiny omega, "Would you like us to get your things sweetheart?"

He blushed at my words, still looking at his little feet.

"Uh I uh d-don't have m-much sir," he explained to me. So maybe only a few boxes.

"Would you show me to your room please?" I asked. He nodded before turning to the stairs and slowly going up them, one step by one step. Cute.

Once upstairs, we walked down the hallway. We got to the end, and he turned to a small looking supply closet. He opened the door, and waited for me to enter. I did, and looked around. Is this his room?

"Sorry, its n-not the best," the omega sheepishly said to me. Poor thing.

"It's alright sweetheart, no need to worry," I replied back with a smile. Gosh this boy was already going to be the death of me. He nodded before turning to the dresser. He pulled out two pairs of pants and two shirts. Then he went to the bed and bent down to go underneath it.

He came back up with a small stuffed pig. He blushed when he look back up at me. Ahhhhhhh....this boy.

He went to the end of the bed, where a small satchel sat. He put the pants, shirts, and pig inside.

"I'm ready n-now sir," he said to me; still no eye contact. I would have to fix that.

"Alright, let's get down stairs and we will be on our way," I responded. Velle nodded, eyes still glued to the floor.

We quickly made our way downstairs, where everybody was waiting in complete silence. How awkward...

"We are leaving. Thank you for allowing us into your home, and thank you for making an alliance with my pack. Have a lovely night," I said while shaking Alpha Pettie's hand.

We turned to leave. Walking down the steps, one of Velle's brothers decided to be an asswipe.

Next thing I see, Velle is on the ground. The eldest, Chase, has decided to push him down the three steps leading to path outside the house.

Before I could turn around and choke the stupid kid out, Taz was already on it.

"You have just disrespected a new member of the Aurora Pack! You are lucky that I will not kill you. If it were a different situation you would be dead. Back up, and step off," Taz finished while letting go of Chase's collar.

Man do I have a good Beta.

Taz, Velle and I continued down the steps as soon as I helped up Velle. We got to the car and I helped Velle in.

When everybody was in and buckled, I started the car and drove off; none of us looking back.


So this is a veryyyyyy short chapter....sorry guysssss

Anyways, I hope you liked it!

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