Chapter 12

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This chapter's long guys! Well, longer anyways (:


Hope you guys enjoy it

Please let me know your thoughts on it in the comments 


Cayson POV

I woke up with a smile on my face. I honestly just couldn't get the little omega out of my mind. He was even in my dreams...not in a bad way you heathens.

For the first time in what felt like months, I had woken up happy and eager to start the day. I wanted to see Velle again, so I did the only logical thing. I hurriedly threw whatever I had on and splashed my face with water before basically running out of my room.

Once the door was closed I tried to compose myself. I didn't want to scare the omega after all. I took a deep breath before walking across the hallway to Velle's room.

I hesitantly knocked on the door, "Velle?" I asked quietly. I didn't hear a response. I knocked again, a little louder this time. Still no response. Huh...

Maybe he's still sleeping. I slowly stepped away from the door. Yeah, I was a little disappointed, but I would wait for him. Gosh I know, that was cheesy. Leave me alone...

Anyways, I walked to the stairs and descended down them slowly. I got to the bottom, and my lip was pouting slightly. I checked the clock in the living room. 7 am, gosh, why did I even knock? It was so early, of course Velle wouldn't be awake yet. Stupid me.

I grudgingly made my way to the kitchen with shuffling feet and eyes glued to the floor. I only looked up when I heard a soft clanging sound in front of me. It was Velle.

What was he doing awake so early?

Only then did I notice what the omega was actually doing. He was setting up breakfast on the dining table. There was a plate at all six chairs of the table, with silverware, plates, glasses, and napkins already out.

That itself was a surprise but then I saw the food. The omega must have made everything that was in the large fridge. In front of the table sets were large plates and bowls full of food. There was toast, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, hash browns, fruit, and eggs both sunny side up and scrambled.

I was shocked to say the least. This must have taken the poor omega hours, which meant he's been up since before 5 this morning. Why would he do this? Isn't he tired?

I stood there with my mouth gaping open, and made a choked noise when the scent of the foods got to my nose. This causes the omega to stop and look up at me.

"A-Alpha," he said surprised, "I uh, I made you and your guests b-breakfast. I hope it's to y-your liking."

I stood there silently. I was still surprised. Velle started to shift nervously because of my lack of response. I cleared my throat before answering, "This is amazing Velle, what time did you get up to do this?"

Velle shifted his eyes away from mine nervously. Did he think I was angry? He spoke, "F-Four thirty Alpha."

Four thirty? Really? That's so early...

"Why?" I asked softly.

Velle responded quietly, "W-Well I uh wanted to thank you, and um I t-thought it was kind of my job?"

I stood there, going over his words. His job? Are you kidding?

I took a few deep breaths before speaking, "Velle, this is not your job. You live here, you are not the maid, nor the servant. Please do not feel like this is something you need to do. Please..." Velle nodded shyly at my words.

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