13 - Shadows

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In which a night's sleep suffers an abrupt interruption.


Well, it's been a wild few weeks. Ever since Paps and I met Checkers, it seems like it's been one thing after another. Not that I'm complaining: I love doing nothing, but I'm also a big fan of entertainment, and life has certainly gotten interesting.

I set down the last box and stretch, easing a cramp out of my back. That done, I slump onto the full-sized bed, worn out from 'porting back and forth so much. (I try not to notice that the bed smells like Checkers. I fail.) Man, Checkers has a lotta stuff. I'm not sure how we're gonna find room for it all. I can store some boxes in the basement with my project junk, we've got an under-stair space and some closet space we can put boxes in, but if we just put all Checkers's things into storage, how's she ever gonna feel at home?

Yeah, I know, this is just 'till she finds a better place. But, well...

Okay, it's a little embarrassing to admit, but me and my bro are starting to think of her as family. I'd like her to feel like she belongs here with us. 'Cause Paps and I feel that way.

Paps is sorta in denial about this being temporary.

I may have to get him a kitten when Checkers moves back out again. You know, to fill the hole she'll probably leave.

C'mon, Sans, don't look too far ahead. You'll just fuck things up for yourself, and maybe for everyone else, too. One thing at a time.

I roll off Checkers's bed and pick up my surprise gift to her, considering it for a moment. It's an irregular little piece of art, and finding the right frame for it was kinda tricky. I ended up buying a nice mat to go behind it, in the hope that an attractive backdrop might make the whole thing look more balanced and well-designed. Of course, its utter lack of design was originally part of its charm, so I'm really not sure how well I've pulled this off.

I hope Checkers likes it.

And I hope Mrs. Griggs has a conniption.

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway tells me Paps and Checkers are here with their own final load. I hurriedly prop the frame up on top of the dresser. It's intended to be hung on the wall, but since I don't know where she'll want it, this'll have to do for now.

Checkers had to rent a storage shed to keep most of her furniture and appliances and things in, but we've got her bed and dresser, some bookshelves, and a glass-fronted china cabinet set up in the former office for her. A china cabinet. For her girly decorative things, I betcha.

Paps and I have never had a girl livin' with us before. I'm kinda nervous about it. What if we're not clean enough for her? Or, you know, how do we deal with the weird girl stuff she might leave laying around? Human girl stuff? I've got a vague idea that some human girl things are mysterious and sort of taboo. Not sure what those things are for, and the idea of researching it makes me uncomfortable. Come to think of it, Paps'n'I've never lived with a human, either. Do we even have all the stuff humans need?

Well, it is a human house. There's a human bathroom and everything.

Ooh. Better make sure everything's working right in there. Apparently, bathrooms are pretty important for humans. And girls.


Now I've psyched myself out.

I hoof it to my room as Paps kicks the front door open, carrying a stack of boxes like they're full of feathers with his awesome superhero powers.

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