31 - Hammer of Justice

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In which human souls are likened to Jedi masters, and a visit results in a friendship rather than the other way around.


"So much for cleaning."

I snort in amusement at Checkers's dry comment. I've been worried almost since I met her that changing our relationship might mean losing our friendship, but if the past few hours are anything to go by, the only difference is that now there's kissing involved.

Lots of kissing.

Honestly, it's a miracle I haven't spontaneously combusted.

"i can't help it if you find me distracting," I tell her, and get a heady thrill from the mix of hopefulness and anxiety that comes from open flirtation. My reward is the flush that rises up her cheekbones, and the half-fond, half-exasperated look she shoots me. I only have a second to enjoy yanking her chain before she steps close to me, taking the front of my hoodie in her hands and pulling me towards her gently.

"You know what?" she says, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Let's do it tomorrow."

"yeah," I breathe, leaning forwards, not really paying attention and not sure exactly what I just agreed to.

"Great," she whispers, and brushes her lips oh-so-lightly against mine. My fingers grip her sides and I try to draw her closer, but as I lean in, she leans away, smiling against my mouth, teasing me. At the same time, a niggling thought rattles against what few functioning brain cells I have left, finally making itself consciously known. I fight down an uncomfortable combination of groan and grin.

"wait... when you say, 'let's do it,' you mean housework?" The pathetic little whine in my voice makes her giggle.

"Come on, you can be a help instead of a hinderance. I know you can. I've seen it."

"i deny everything." She laughs again. I'm grinning, too. She teases me a lot about being too lazy to clean, especially on housework days. But I gotta admit, she does a lot of our cleaning now that Paps has the second job, and honestly it would prob'ly behoove me to pitch in every once in a while.

I hope she likes a little whine with her cheese, 'cause when I shock her by washing a dish some day, I reserve my right to complain about it.

"Oh, man." As soon as we reach the living room, Checkers strides to the coffee table, where her phone is lying forlorn and forgotten. "Shoot! Roxy was trying to get in touch with me!" She snatches the phone up and swipes a finger across the screen. "I meant to call her back, but..." She gives me a wry smile. "I was distracted."

I grin and shrug, looking sideways at her because I'm suddenly too shy to look at her directly. Checkers pulls up her text messages. "anything i should be worried about?" I ask, starting to worry preemptively and completely without permission.

"She texted me six times..." Checkers sounds worried, too. At least I'm not alone. "...But she just asks me to call her. Hold on, let me check my voice mail."

I fiddle anxiously with the cuffs of my hoodie while Checkers listens to her messages. When I catch myself doing it, I force myself to relax into my standard slouch and shove my hands in my pockets. Checkers hangs up and calls Roxy from her contact list.

"Hey, Rox, what's up?" Checkers's face falls into a frown. "Are you okay?" She listens for a moment, and then her face goes pale. "Oh," she says softly, and the mixture of shock, dread, and determination in that one syllable sets alarm bells off in my nerve endings.

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