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The first day of school and I'm late... bloody hell.

I quickly threw my bag into an empty locker and ran for my first class, English.

I stepped through the door, interrupting the class. "Annyeonghaseyo" I said politely and quickly bowed.

"Oh, you must be (y/n)" the teacher smiled at me. I heard people whispering from their desks. "I am miss M. Please take a seat over next to Kate" she gestured towards a small girl in the front row.

I sat down in the empty seat next to the girl I assumed to be Kate. She greeted me kindly and introduced me to the dark skinned girl, Ali, sitting on her other side. I quickly became friends with both of them.

The lesson ended and I began to head to my second class, science.

As soon as I walked in, a piece of scrunched up paper flew towards my face. I quickly dodged it and for some reason, my reflexes surprised the rest of the students around me, leaving them in awe.

I looked over to the direction the paper came from and I saw four boys stood, surprised.

The first one that caught my eye was a boy with light brown hair with light pink streaks through it. He had a defined jawline and wore a smirk on his flawless face, I don't know why he caught my attention first.

The second boy had purple hair. Bright purple hair. He stood taller than the other boys and he looked like he was the one that threw the paper.

Another had light brown hair, almost blonde, that was half covered by a bandana. What's with the bandana?

The last guy had light green hair and chubby, soft looking cheeks. He was laughing.

All four of them wore their shirts untucked, sleeves undone and ties loose like they thought it was 'cool' to dress like that. In addition they were all smiling but shocked at the same time after I had dodged the paper.

Then the purple haired one began walking my way. I ignored him and sat down at a desk. There wasn't a teacher in the room yet... may as well just read while I wait. I pulled out a novel I had been reading and opened up to my bookmark.

Suddenly, my book was backhanded off of the desk. I looked up to see the purple haired jerk.

"I was talking to you" he bitterly spat the words at me.

"And I was ignoring you" his face went blank. I stood up and went to retrieve my book. Then bandana boy stood in front of me.

"I don't think so" he smirked at me.

I went to step past him, knowing he would step in front of me again, and then I pivoted past him and picked up the book.

Then green hair spoke. "You're a smart one aren't you" he stood in front of me, preventing me from getting back to my seat. He held out his hand. "Give me the book" he smirked.

"No" I smiled, thinking of another way to get past.

"Why are you smiling?"

"No reason, just that your friend behind you just face planted" I lied while fake giggling.

He turned to look behind himself and then I quickly got past him and sat down again. That's when the teacher came in.

I flipped through my book and sighed because I lost my page.

The boy with the pink streaks in his hair spoke to me. "You were up to page 167, I saw before he threw the book" I smiled at him as a sign of thanks.

Why did he help me?

Hellooooo!!! I hope you enjoy this story ^ _ ^

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