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I sat at my desk doing homework whilst listening to music on my iPod. I finally finished it off. I stood up and stretched, then proceeded to fall, face first, into my bed.

I felt my phone underneath my body as I fell onto the bed. I grabbed it and turned it on.

15 missed calls

The calls were from Jungkook. I tapped  his name and put the phone to my ear.

"Y/n! I'm so sor-"

"No. Don't be."

"What?? No I shouldn't have done that. That was my-horny-self being an asshole today. I should have known better."

I sighed. "Don't worry. I'm just glad you know what you did wrong."

He paused before responding. "Y/n..."


"Can you meet up with me tonight?"

"My parents wouldn't let me, Jungkook."

"It's really important. Can you sneak out?"

Behind the phone, Jungkook couldn't see me smiling. "Okay. When and where?"

"The park near your house. Midnight. And wear something nice... please?"

"Okay. Goodnight till then" I couldn't stop smiling.

"Night" I could tell he was smiling too. What did he have planned?


I walked down the pathway in the cold air at 12:05. I felt a raindrop fall onto my nose. I looked up to see a stormy sky. Soon enough, it started to pelt down rain.

I ran to the park and saw Jungkook standing in the safety of the gazebo. I ran up to him and hugged myself. My hair was drenched and my nice dress was as well.

I spoke between shivers. "Jungkook... hi"

He laughed a little. He didn't seem at all wet. He grabbed my hand. "Come with me."

"Back into the rain?!"

"Yeah. Just for a little bit. Let's enjoy it."

He dragged me back out into the rain. We ran to a park bench and sat down. Once we sat down, I only then realised that we were still holding hands. I let go and continued to shiver.

He stood up from the seat again and stood in front of me. He grabbed my hand again and knelt down on one knee.

What the hell is this kid doing?

"Y/N!" He shouted over the sound of pelting rain. "WILL YOU BE MY OFFICIAL GIRLFRIEND?!"

I almost had a heart attack. I nodded violently and crashed into him with a hug. I pulled my face away from the hug, keeping my arms around him.

I kissed him.

It wasn't a cute first kiss.

It was an intimate, loving kiss.

I pulled away and we ran for the gazebo again.

Jungkook's pink and brown hair was now purple and black as it was soaked from the rain. He grabbed his jacket, which was lying in the dry space of the gazebo, and hung it over my shoulders.

I smiled between shivers.

He kissed me again. I hoped it would never end.

Kissing in the rain.


What could a girl want more?

I NEED U - Jungkook x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang